Thankful to be HERE.

DrDiabloSatan, Xenomorph, 12 years ago

I'm very thankful that I found this site. I have been looking at other sites to see what we could possibly do to attract more attention... But honestly I don't see how we are doing so poorly I mean all of the sites I've visited have been terrible, either the grammar is remarkably underdeveloped or they have no idea what they are talking about. One states that the Xenomorphs use oxygen as humans do (the breathe essentially) and obviously they don't, several things point towards Xenomorphs not having lungs (or not needing to use them to survive), I'm just saying I'm thankful I found this site and that it is so informational and not sheer stupidity from some un-knowledgeable fourteen year old with a keyboard and ignorance towards the genre. So to those who have created the site and those who keep it open, I thank you.

tawganator, Xenomorph, 12 years ago

I would also like to say that I appreciate this site and would like to thank those responsible. AVP universe is great

Peterson, Xenomorph, 12 years ago

Stop spamming, this is not a relitive post. Topic Locked.