DeathWraith, Undefined, 14 years ago

Why would it have a pouch...?

BloodHarpy, Undefined, 14 years ago

Kangaroos are marsupials so the Xenomorph resulting from a Kangaroo being face hugged might have a pouch.

DeathWraith, Undefined, 14 years ago

That's not how i meant it. I meant it as "Why the hell would it have a pouch?"

WarBlade, Undefined, 14 years ago

To carry the eggs around to be placed in certain areas and also so it can carry the chest busters.

ValkyrieWrath, Undefined, 14 years ago

You know that actually makes sense. Nice WarBlade ;).

Shadowwall, Undefined, 14 years ago

indd good point WarB

IceNeko, Undefined, 14 years ago

I have to agree with WarBlade. That would be an interesting result of a face hugging.

DeathWraith, Undefined, 14 years ago

I have to say, WarBlade, that is a dumb idea for many different reasons and you should forget about it.

cleticyautja, Undefined, 14 years ago

xenos taked certain things from its hosts.

From a Human it takes the humans understanding of human tech. Like shutting off power.

From the pred it takes its dreadlocks for...useless reasons but it is alot stronger than a normal alien reason being preds are alot stronger than humans.

But an alien wont need a puch to carry around chestbusters.These creatures are not little infants they are the most perfect killing machine ever. A kangroo xeno would probaly be a runner with stronger hind legs.

DeathWraith, Undefined, 14 years ago

They don't take the understanding of human tech, that's just the natural xenomorph intelligence that makes them capable of understanding that wires full of electric current supply power to electrical devices and that when buttons pressed result in something, they will result in the same thing the second time as long as electricity goes through the wires. They only take features like skeletal structure. And about the predalien taking the dreads from the predator, here's an actually not stupid predalien concept:


cleticyautja, Undefined, 14 years ago

okay something to change the subject,what do you think the weapon in nolands(the guy with the pred mask)would do.

hish, Undefined, 13 years ago

the mask looks awsome what movie is that in?

AmerthystBlades, Undefined, 13 years ago

19 days until Predators comes out in theaters! WHOOOOO YEAH!

Shadowwall, Undefined, 13 years ago

thx for the update I almost forgot :)

DarkSerpentine, Undefined, 13 years ago

Same here Blades! :)

BloodHarpy, Undefined, 13 years ago

I gonna have to go see it on the 23rd since I have stiff planned on the ninth. Damn.

HeavyDuty, Undefined, 13 years ago

Predators is one hell of a movie! They made a great film! 10 stars two thumbs way up!

CrazyCarlito12, Undefined, 13 years ago

This movie is kickass! The best movie of 2010 so far! Yeah good Antal and Rodriguez!!!!

DarkSerpentine, Undefined, 13 years ago

Predators rocks!

BloodHarpy, Undefined, 13 years ago

The movie was worth the 44 dollars I had to spend for the tickets and the 30 dollars I spent on two large ICEE's, one medium popcorn, one bottle of Voltage energy drink, two bags of Sour Patch Kids, Milk Duds and the hot dog IceNeko dropped on me. I still had fun though, heard they might do another one.