PM system.

ShadowYautja, Yautja, 10 years ago

This is a really ridiculous question to ask, but since I want to communicate with other member's privately, how do I PM someone on this site?

Peterson, Yautja, 10 years ago

You dont simple as that, We dont have a PM system set up on the website and unless P the webmaster actual wants to add one in some time then it will most likely stay that way. This should have been posted in the Ask a Mod thread.

Topic Locked.

FireHunter, Yautja, 10 years ago

I just thought that a little explanation would be helpful for this before I re-lock the topic.

We don't have a PM system because we, the mods, feel that it has too much potential to cause too much drama, with the way we have it, if drama is started on a main-board, everybody can see it exactly how it happened and we can sort out issues between members much easier.