help on avp 2 the game

enigma, Undefined, 19 years ago

how do i get trhrough the door on the first marine level , and yes i pulled out the bypass device ,, thank you

enigma, Undefined, 19 years ago

the very first door at the beginning, i feel like a retard because of this . and what does a clan envolve i am open to new things/groups thank s

TDN, Undefined, 19 years ago

Which door are you talking about first of all. The 1st level is a long one.
Oh and by the way, do you want to join our Human clan?

TDN, Undefined, 19 years ago

If it's the first door after the scene where the Preds blow up a bridge then you can't open that door. Instead, keep going to you right and go to an area where a jeep/truck will get blown up. Keep going until you see a door (you may have to use the hacking device on this one).

In a clan you could post in our private clan board, and play with us in the RPG (a posting game where you make up your own actions like a story as you go along).
So do you want to join?

enigma, Undefined, 19 years ago

its the level where the marines land on the base lv426 its the very first thing , you start off whit a knife in your hand,