Alien movie info etc ----- A and B

celtic102, Yautja, 18 years ago


AARON, FRANCIS (Ralph Brown) Deputy superintendent of the prison colony on FIORINA, identification number 137512. Dubbed EIGHTY FIVE by the prisoners because of his low IQ, no-one listened to him after ANDREWS’ death. When RIPLEY told him to send the rescue ship away, he refused and locked himself away in his office, babbling continually about his wife and child, and the fact that he was due to go home on the next rotation. But when the ship arrived, he discovered that RIPLEY was right, and that all they wanted was the ALIEN. He tried to stop them, but got shot dead in the process.
"You keep telling me how dumb I am! Well at least I'm not stupid enough to have a life sentence on this rock!"

ACHERON Also known as LV-426, this is one of two moons orbiting a planet in the ZETA 2 RETICULI system. At quadrant points QBR 157 052, the tiny planet of just 1200km diameter has a lava base, and has no indigenous life. Perhaps this is due to the atmosphere of 10% argon, 85% nitrogen and 5% neon. With a gravity level equivalent to 0.86 of EARTH’s gravity, the NOSTROMO landed roughly here in 2122 in response to a supposed distress signal, and subsequently discovered a DERELICT ship full of EGGs. The colony of HADLEY’S HOPE set up in the mid 22nd century beyond the ILIUM RANGE was later, in 2179, involved in an incident with that same ship and ALIENs. Named for the river in hell. The planetoid was named ACHERON in the original script for ALIEN. Photo shows Nostromo dwarfed by Acheron and her ringed parent.

ADOWA WEYLAND-YUTANI Scout Vessel on which LAMBERT served as navigator from 2118 to 2119.

ALIEN (directed by Ridley Scott, written by Dan O’Bannon) The crew of the freighter NOSTROMO are awoken from HYPERSLEEP and pick up a distress signal from a barren moon ten months from EARTH. The NOSTROMO sets down on the planet, later named ACHERON, or LV-426 and three of the crew, DALLAS, KANE and LAMBERT investigate the source of signal. They find a DERELICT alien spacecraft and executive officer KANE discovers a chamber full of EGGs. On studying one such EGG, KANE is caught in the grasp of a FACEHUGGER and taken back to the ship. Though breaking quarantine rules, the NOSTROMO sets course for home. KANE awakes shortly thereafter. Whilst eating a final meal before returning to HYPERSLEEP, an ALIEN bursts from KANE’s chest, killing him in seconds. It escapes into the bowels of the ship and grows rapidly. At first the crew tries to hunt it down, but discover it is in fact stalking them and gradually killing them one by one, starting with engineer, BRETT. Engineer, PARKER later stops science officer, ASH from killing RIPLEY, and discovers that he is in fact an ANDROID, put on board by the COMPANY to protect the ALIEN at all costs. They learn that they can not defeat the ALIEN, so RIPLEY sets the ship to self destruct and escapes in the shuttlecraft NARCISSUS with the ship’s cat, JONES, PARKER and LAMBERT having been killed. Little do they know that the ALIEN is also aboard the shuttle, but on discovering it, RIPLEY thinks quickly and opens the airlock, blowing the ALIEN into space. She records her final log, and retires to HYPERSLEEP.

ALIENS (directed and written by James Cameron) 57 years after the destruction of the NOSTROMO, RIPLEY’s shuttlecraft, the NARCISSUS is discovered and returned to EARTH. On GATEWAY STATION, RIPLEY learns the truth and is brought before a COMPANY REVIEW BOARD where they rebuke the ALIEN and suspend her licence. As she takes on menial jobs operating POWER LOADERs to make ends meet, she begins to exhibit signs of post traumatic stress syndrome. On learning that contact with a colony on ACHERON has been lost, she reluctantly agrees to face her demons and return to the planet. This time, however, she goes with a squad of COLONIAL MARINEs, but they find only one survivor, a little girl called NEWT. After a disastrous encounter in the HIVE of the ALIENs, where half of the marines are killed or captured, RIPLEY suggests they take off and nuke the site from orbit. Though the WEYLAND YUTANI representative, BURKE is none too pleased, he gives in and they wait for the DROPSHIP to pick them up. But an ALIEN is on board and the pilot, FERRO crashes the DROPSHIP into the ATMOSPHERE PROCESSOR. This damages it to such a degree that within four hours, the ANDROID, BISHOP predicts that it will go into meltdown and explode. Whilst RIPLEY and a marine, HICKS co-ordinate an operation to barricade themselves in, BISHOP crawls through a conduit to the landing field to pilot the second DROPSHIP down from their ship, the SULACO. After BURKE tries to impregnate RIPLEY and NEWT, and the ALIENs break through the barricade, they start their journey to the landing field. The rest of the marines, save for HICKS are lost on the way, and NEWT is kidnapped by an ALIEN. As the ATMOSPHERE PROCESSOR counts down to meltdown, RIPLEY goes back into the HIVE to rescue NEWT. Here she encounters the QUEEN, who lays the EGGs which contain the FACEHUGGERs. It chases her back to the DROPSHIP, and hides away on it as they escape the explosion which vapourises the colony. Back on the SULACO, the QUEEN reveals itself by ripping BISHOP apart. Whilst NEWT evades the QUEEN, RIPLEY straps herself into a POWER LOADER and then fights the QUEEN. She manages to dump it out an airlock, and scrambles back to safety. She shuts herself, NEWT, HICKS and BISHOP back into their CRYOTUBES for the journey home.

ALIEN³ (directed by David Fincher, written by Vincent Ward) Some way into the journey home, a FACEHUGGER on board the SULACO c a fire and the survivors from the ACHERON incident are evacuated. Their EMERGENCY ESCAPE VEHICLE crash lands on FIORINA, a male-only prison planet. As RIPLEY comes to terms with the death of HICKS and NEWT, and tries to become accustomed to a hard life, albeit temporarily, she discovers from the remains of BISHOP that it is an ALIEN from the SULACO that is leading the prisoners to some gruesome deaths. When she confronts the superintendent, ANDREWS with this information, he confines her to the infirmary, where her lover, the medical officer, CLEMENS is subsequently snatched to his death by the ALIEN. Escaping the ALIEN, she runs to the mess hall where ANDREWS is addressing the prisoners. The ALIEN makes quick work of him, too. DILLON, the prisoners’ religious leader rallies them together and turns to RIPLEY for ideas about how to capture or kill the beast. But as RIPLEY knows, there is no modern technology on FIORINA, and that means no weapons. They first try to drive the ALIEN into a toxic waste containment unit with a fuel called QUINITRICETYLINE. The explosion is set off too early and some of the prisoners are killed. RIPLEY suddenly feels ill, and with the help of the equipment on the EEV, discovers she has a QUEEN embryo growing inside her. The prisoners try to use themselves as bait to lure the ALIEN into the lead works, and then drown it in molten lead. The plan works, but only MORSE survives. A COMPANY representative, Michael BISHOP arrives to obtain the QUEEN, but RIPLEY knows that can never happen. She drops into the molten lead, clutching the newly-born QUEEN to her chest. The original script for ALIEN 3 dated the EEV crash to have occurred on July 3rd.

ALIEN: RESURRECTION (directed by Jean Pierre Jeunet, written by Joss Whedon) 200 years after the death of RIPLEY, she is cloned from a blood sample taken on FIORINA by UNITED SYSTEMS MILITARY scientists aboard the AURIGA, led by WREN, who really wants the QUEEN growing inside her. As RIPLEY struggles to remember who she was, and find her identity, a crew of mercenaries on board a ship called the BETTY arrive with a cargo of CRYOTUBES containing live hosts for the QUEEN. One of the mercenaries is CALL, who has come to kill RIPLEY, and is later accused of terrorism. The newly-born ALIENs take the chance to escape, and soon control the ship. General PEREZ orders an evacuation as the ship heads back to HOMEBASE. RIPLEY and a USM soldier called DISTEPHANO join with the mercenaries as they head back to the BETTY, fighting off WREN and the ALIENs simultaneously. RIPLEY is finally kidnapped by the ALIENs, but not before they haven’t swam through a flooded kitchen, climbed up an EGG-infested elevator shaft and found seven failed RIPLEY clones. In the HIVE, RIPLEY discovers the true nature of the experiments going on: the creation of a new ALIEN, the NEWBORN, which proceeds to chase RIPLEY through the AURIGA and back to the BETTY, and then into EARTH’s orbit.

ALIEN, THE A hostile extraterrestrial lifeform, onown origin that was originally encountered by the crew of the NOSTROMO on ACHERON. In the words of one of the crew members, ASH, it was "the perfect organism; unclouded by conscience, remorse or delusions of morality." Basically, it was the ultimate killing machine, which explains why the WEYLAND YUTANI regarded the obtaining of a specimen for the BIOWEAPONS division to be such a high priority, above everything else, including the lives of others. Two centuries later it was discovered that the ALIEN race could provide potential benefits, including new alloys and new vaccines, which is why ALIENs were cloned aboard the AURIGA. Though little is known about the ALIEN’s anatomy, ASH labelled it an encephlepod.

The first stage in the ALIEN lifecycle is the QUEEN. She positions herself in a HIVE, using drones or warriors to bring potential hosts to her, where they are cocooned. The QUEEN is rendered more or less immobile by her giant egg sac. The EGGs she lays contain FACEHUGGERs. These are small, parasitic creatures with eight extremely strong legs and a strangling tail, allowing them to coil around the head of the host. Having immobilised the host, the FACEHUGGER inserts an embryo down the trachea and into the chest cavity. It later falls off and dies. The host may soon regain consciousness as the embryo gestates inside him or her, and may experience excess hunger, sickness and fatigue. When the embryo is mature enough to survive without the host, it becomes a CHESTBURSTER.

The ALIEN punches its way out of the chest cavity through the ribs, which kills the host. The new ALIEN grows rapidly. More cases than not it will become just another drone, and if near to a HIVE, will serve a QUEEN. Lone ALIENs are seen to be far more hostile, perhaps because the survival of the one is now more important than the survival of the many, or the QUEEN, the attitude adopted in the HIVE situation. Occasionally (and this depends on the embryo in the FACEHUGGER), then embryo will develop into a QUEEN, the ALIEN which lays the EGGs. The gestation period of a QUEEN is longer than the gestation period of a normal ALIEN.

The adult ALIEN is quite a beautiful and remarkable creature. Probably the most striking feature of the drone is the large, disproportionate head. Many of the creatures have been seen to have a translucent ‘cowl’ over their heads, under which can be seen a series of bony ridges. But other ALIENs have been seen with these same bony ridges, but without the cowl covering them. Hidden inside the head is a second set of jaws, often referred to as a ‘maw’ or ‘tongue’. This can be shot out of the mouth at incredible speed, and makes for an efficient weapon.

ALIENs often take on the physical characteristics of the host. For example, if the host is a biped, such as a human, then the chances are that the ALIEN will be, as well. That is not to say the they cannot run on four legs, though. The legs are particularly powerful for their size. The ALIEN is extremely agile: it can run and leap and tear flesh apart with remarkable ease. Though it has five toes, it has six fingers, which is not inherited genetically from the host. Other specimens are observed to have slightly different numbers and configurations of fingers and slightly different tails. There are strong claws on both hands and feet.

Another striking feature is the exterior skeleton. The bones, muscles and tendons can all very easily be seen. The back of the ALIEN is also quite remarkable. Extremely supple, but also strong it tapers into a long, segregated tail that also makes for an effective weapon. Along the back are two pairs of dorsal tubes, a pair on either side. There is also another a strange, exterior secondary spine jutting out from the back between the pairs of tubing.

Through genetic engineering, it is possible to create a QUEEN that doesn’t just lay EGGs, but also develops an external womb. In this womb a NEWBORN develops, which is a hybridisation between human and ALIEN. In a dream sequence scene cut from ALIEN: RESURRECTION, GEDIMAN told RIPLEY that the ALIENs communicate with ultrasonic sound waves, like bats. Though Ripley had an empathic link to the Aliens following her cloning, and it is assumed Aliens commuicte in this manner – actual proof of their method of communication doesn’t exist. Photo shows a fully-grown adult ALIEN. The Alien has been variously portrayed by such performers as Bolaji Badejo, Eddie Powell, Tom Woodruff Jnr, and Val Musetti.

AK-249 The call sign of the tractor used by the Jorden family to travel to the DERELICT on LV-426.

AMNIO The small container full of AMNIOTIC FLUID used by WREN on the AURIGA to store the newly-born QUEEN embryo taken from the eighth clone of RIPLEY. Inside the AMNIO were tiny clasps to hold the CHESTBURSTER in place, more for the safety of the QUEEN than the AURIGA scientists.

AMNIOTIC FLUID The liquid in which a developing foetus is suspended, particularly in mammals. It provides protection and warmth. GEDIMAN put the QUEEN embryo in the AMNIO, which contained AMNIOTIC FLUID, having removed it from the eighth clone of RIPLEY on board the AURIGA.

ANDREWS, HAROLD (Brian Glover) The stressful superintendent of the prison complex and refinery on FIORINA. He was weary of RIPLEY when she crash landed in an EEV in the late 22nd century, especially when she ordered an autopsy to be made on NEWT, the immediate cremation of both NEWT and HICKS and RIPLEY’s subsequent intermingling with the double-y chromosome prisoners. To him, she was intimidating. When news of the deaths of several prisoners reached him, he was quick to point the blame at others, namely RIPLEY (for causing a stir) and GOLIC (for being the only survivor of a scavenging group killed by the ALIEN). RIPLEY knew what was going on, but ANDREWS foolishly rebuked her stories and confined her to the infirmary. Whilst addressing the prisoners on the situation, the ALIEN dropped down from the ceiling of the mess hall and killed him.
"Let me see if I have this correct, Lieutenant. It's an eight foot creature of some kind with acid for blood, and it arrived on your spaceship? It kills on site and is generally unpleasant. And of course you expect me to accept all this; your word."

ANDROID A synthetic human. Basically, a robot that is human in appearance. ANDROIDs were developed by the early 22nd century to a degree where they were externally indistinguishable from a normal human being. Internally, the ANDROID’s body is laid out much like a human’s, with an artificial skeleton and a white blood substitute, though instead of organs there are machine parts, and instead of veins there are wires. One of the original developers of ANDROIDs were HYPERDYNE SYSTEMS, which developed ANDROIDs such as ASH.

The UNITED STATES COLONIAL MARINE CORP later used ANDROIDs extensively, to the extent where it was standard for an ANDROID to accompany each ship. Though stronger, faster and ultimately better co-ordinated than the average human, ANDROIDs were rarely employed in tactical positions. Instead they were used as drivers for vehicles such as ARMOURED PERSONNEL CARRIERs, pilots of crafts such as DROPSHIPs and troop carriers, medics, scientific advisors and an interacting database of information. ANDROIDs were generally noted as having passive, or neutral personalities, so also served the purpose of morale officer. ANDROIDs used by the USCM were unable to harm, either directly or indirectly a human being, so where incapable of firing a weapon at a human, and would strive to save human life, whatever the cost. This was not so for earlier models such as the HYPERDYNE SYSTEM 120 A/2, which were programmed for specific tasks, but were often faulty. Michael BISHOP was involved in the USCM ANDROID programme as a designer.

In the late 23rd century, the ANDROID industry was in serious need of revitalisation. This was done by developing the SECOND GEN, or AUTON. These were ANDROIDs designed and built by other ANDROIDs, meaning they were significantly more advanced. SECOND GENs passed as humans far more easily than normal ANDROIDs, as proved by CALL, who was only discovered to be an AUTON when she was shot in the stomach by WREN and began to bleed white blood. They were highly ethical and emotional, with complex paradigmatic reasoning structures. For this reason, they disliked being given orders. The government that sanctioned their development ordered a recall. Some escaped the purge, including CALL. Instead of revitalising the synthetics industry, the AUTON project buried it.

ANTARCTICA TRAFFIC CONTROL A station in Antarctica located near the south pole, that controls incoming and outgoing space traffic for Earth space. It is located in Antarctica due to the fact that it has direct line-of-site with any ship riding the ecliptic.

APC Acronym for ARMOURED PERSONNEL CARRIER, the agile, land-based troop carriers that also carried weaponry.

APONE (Al Matthews) Master Sergeant in the UNITED STATES COLONIAL MARINE CORP. A battle-hardened soldier, serious but with a wicked streak, he was stationed on board the SULACO for the mission to ACHERON. Constantly chewing a cigar and letting out bellowing laughs, APONE tried to keep the wild HUDSON under control, right until they descended into the HIVE. Respected and liked, especially by HUDSON, he COLONIAL MARINEs began to fall apart after APONE was attacked by an ALIEN hiding in the wall and abducted. It was later discovered in the MTOB that APONE and DIETRICH had not been killed, and VASQUEZ was eager to go in and rescue them. HUDSON and RIPLEY didn’t share her views. APONE was killed on ACHERON, probably in the ATMOSPHERE PROCESSOR explosion.

"Okay people, you heard the man and you know the drill! Elbows and s! Hudson, come here. Come HERE!"

ARCHANGEL, UAS A troop carrier starship commanded by Captain A.J. DALLAS. It was destroyed on a peace keeping mission on THEDUS in 2109 and 15293 people were killed.

ARCTURIAN POONTANG Something that the COLONIAL MARINEs on board the SULACO for the ACHERON mission encountered on a previous mission. FROST said he wanted more of it, which means it could be pretty much anything, and is highly likely to be sexual in nature.

ARMOURED PERSONNEL CARRIER Often abbreviated to APC, these were land-based craft used for transporting one squad of over a dozen COLONIAL MARINEs plus their weaponry. Tough and able to withstand gun-fire, fire and even resitant to ALIEN acid, APCs were standard vehicles employed by the UNITED STATES COLONIAL MARINE CORP and carried on board their military transports such as the SULACO as of the late 22nd century. One APC would fit in each DROPSHIP, for easy transport to the surface of a planet. The APC only requires a driver to control it, though a section commander was likely to remain on the APC throughout the mission and command the COLONIAL MARINEs from the MOBILE TACTICAL OPERATIONS BAY.

Each APC had a substantial armament as well as carrying all of the COLONIAL MARINE’s weapons and ammunition. The standard APC had two gun turrets, one mounted beside the driver’s seat to tackle obstacles straight ahead, and one mounted on rails to the rear of the vehicle for other targets. Though double-barrelled, the first turret had a limited firing arc. The second turret was much more versatile, and more powerful. Included in the substantial armament were tactical smart missiles and a phased plasma cannon.

LENGTH - 8.58 m
LENGTH (Turret stowed) - 9.22 m
WIDTH - 3.38 m
HEIGHT - 2.81 m
HEIGHT (Turret stowed) - 2.17 m

ARMOURY A storage area on the SULACO adjacent to the HANGAR bay where the marines kept their equipment and a large arsenal of firearms. The marines kept their fatigues and personal effects in lockers in the CRYOGENICS COMPARTMENT, but their body armour and other equipment was kept here.

ARTHUR (Dhobi Oparei) One of the prisoners on FIORINA when RIPLEY crash landed there in an EEV in the 22nd century. He was killed in the QUINITRICETYLINE explosion.A deleted scene from Alien3 had Arthur guarding the toxic waste dump in which the Alien had been trapped (in another deleted scene). Arthur was killed by Golic, when Golic freed the Alien.

"Man, this stuff stinks!

ASH (Ian Holm) Science officer on board the NOSTROMO who was later revealed to be an ANDROID, model HYPERDYNE SYSTEM 120-A/2. Placed on the vessel by the WEYLAND YUTANI corporation at THEDUS he followed SPECIAL ORDER 937, so his first priority was to protect the ALIEN, even if it meant the deaths of the rest of the crew. When he tried to kill RIPLEY, preventing her from finding out the truth, PARKER and LAMBERT disabled him with BRETT’s cattle prod. Later questioning revealed the truth, about how the COMPANY had known what would happen all along. An ambiguous, very private character, ASH never quite seemed to fit in with the rest of the crew. It was only RIPLEY that didn’t trust him the whole time, after he disobeyed her order to let KANE back on board. She hoped that he knew how to kill the ALIEN. He claimed he didn’t, so PARKER incinerated him. A scene omitted from the final cut of ALIEN had PARKER corner the ALIEN in the airlock, which was then opened, hoping that it would blow the ALIEN out into space. Unfortunately, ASH sounded an emergency alarm, and the ALIEN escaped before the airlock door was opened.

"I admire it's purity. A survivor. Unclouded by conscience, remorse, or delusions of morality."

ASPEN Brand of Extra Strong beer brewed by Weylan Yutani, named for it's place of origin in Colorado, UA.

ATMOSPHERE PROCESSOR Huge 1500m high structure developed in the mid-2100s and used on new colonies with an unbreathable atmosphere. The ATMOSPHERE PROCESSOR could take in the gases that formed the atmosphere, super-heat them into a gas which was then ionised and split into the component atoms. The hydrogen, nitrogen and oxygen was released back into the atmosphere whilst the remains became a waste by-product. Several of these ATMOSPHERE PROCESSORs would be required to convert the entire atmosphere of a planet; a process which would take decades. The super-heating required tremendous temperatures, which was achieved by using a fusion reactor.

On ACHERON, the crash of the DROPSHIP from the SULACO into the ATMOSPHERE PROCESSOR there led to the eventual melt-down of the fusion reactor. In fact, any damage to the primary heat exchanger could prove to be disastrous. Once the melt-down process had begun, it was near-impossible to stop, and would take little over four hours to overheat completely and cause the entire ATMOSPHERE PROCESSOR to explode.

AURIGA, USM UNITED SYSTEMS MILITARY Military Research Vessel commanded by PEREZ. At over 3km in length, the AURIGA doubled as both a scientific research facility and a troop carrier. Equipped with a STEALTHRUN system, the AURIGA could travel at speeds in excess of 3,877,066,666kph.

The AURIGA was in orbit of PLUTO when the BETTY docked with it to deliver a cargo of hijacked CRYOTUBEs. The AURIGA’s chief scientist, WREN cloned multiple RIPLEYs on board, but only the eighth attempt was successful. From this he extracted a QUEEN embryo and began to breed captive ALIENs, using the bodies from the CRYOTUBEs. Shortly after the arrival of the BETTY, the ALIENs broke loose and the AURIGA’s computer, FATHER announced an emergency situation, leading to the evacuation of the ship. It automatically headed back to EARTH, where it crashed in an uninhabited region of southern Africa just over an hour later, with a little help from CALL, one of the crew-members of the BETTY, who went on board to stop the ALIENs and kill the RIPLEY clones.

LENGTH - 3658 m
WIDTH - 718 m
HEIGHT - 628 m

SPEED - 0.08 light years per sidereal day (intrasystem)

AUTOCHEF The food dispenser in the messes of many starships in the 22nd century, such as the NOSTROMO and the SULACO. It consisted of various foods neatly capsuled into powder and tablet form, identifiable by small models of the food in question. These included bananas, apples and citrus fruits, but the AUTOCHEF could supply most foods, along with additional vitamin supplements. Future variations of the AUTOCHEF allowed food and drink to be stored in small capsules and be made edible by passing it through a laser. Such tem was installed on the AURIGA, which also had a purpose-built kitchen at the bottom of the ship, which was flooded when the ship was evacuated.

AUTODOC The medical computer employed on such commercial starships as the NOSTROMO in the 22nd century, especially useful in the absence of a qualified medical officer. Even when one was present, such as ASH, the AUTODOC served other purposes, such as an automated scanning and prognosis machine. The AUTODOC was surprisingly primitive for it’s bulky size. On the NOSTROMO, it was unable to notice the gestating CHESTBURSTER inside KANE.

AUTON Also known as SECOND GENs, these were ANDROIDs designed and built by other ANDROIDs, meaning they were significantly more advanced. AUTONs passed as humans much more easily than normal ANDROIDs, as proved by CALL, who was only discovered to be an AUTON when she was shot in the stomach by WREN and began to bleed white blood. AUTONs were found to be too emotional and uncontrollable, so were recalled. Some escaped the purge, including CALL.


BETTY, THE The unregistered commercial freighter that docked with the AURIGA to deliver stolen CRYOTUBEs containing new hosts for the QUEEN removed from the eighth clone of RIPLEY. The crew consisted of CALL, CHRISTIE, ELGYN, HILLARD, JOHNER and VRIESS. The BETTY was a retro-fitted ship, little over 100m in length, with a dirty yellow paint job. It required constant maintenance from its mechanics, CALL and VRIESS. Captained by ELGYN and piloted by HILLARD, it was little more than a pirate ship, capable of incredible maneuvering. It had pivoting engines, to allow it to do this. This versatility allowed it to escape the AURIGA even though both ships were hurtling toward EARTH’s atmosphere at a significant speed.

LENGTH – 44.4 m
WIDTH – 74.7 m
WIDTH (not including engines) – 12.7 m
HEIGHT – 20.0 m

In the original script for ALIEN: RESURRECTION, there were two more crewmembers that went aboard the AURIGA: Rane was a skinny, quiet man who was killed underwater in place of HILLARD; and St Just, a slim Asian man who formed a double-act with CHRISTIE. He was killed in the jungle sequence which was later omitted. In one of five prospective endings for ALIEN: RESURRECTION, the BETTY crashed on EARTH and released the NEWBORN. Photo shows BETTY docked inside the AURIGA

BIO-WEAPONS DIVISION Special division of the WEYLAND YUTANI corporation that developed biological weapons. One such weapon they intended to develop was the ALIEN life form that was discovered on ACHERON. BURKE tried to infect RIPLEY and NEWT with ALIEN embryos in an attempt to smuggle them back to EARTH, where he planned to sell them for millions of dollars to the BIO-WEAPONS DIVISION, and be a hero. Michael BISHOP was also involved with the BIO-WEAPONS DIVISION, and went to FIORINA in the late 22nd century to obtain a QUEEN from RIPLEY.

BISHOP, L (341-B) (Lance Henriksen) Particular model of ANDROID, designed by Michael BISHOP. This ANDROID was stationed aboard the SULACO for the mission to ACHERON with a squad of COLONIAL MARINEs, which he got to know quite well. He used to amuse them with his knife trick, in which he spread his fingers and stabbed the knife rapidly between them. Whilst on the way to ACHERON, DRAKE forced BISHOP to perform the knife trick with HUDSON’s hand. He accidentally cut himself doing it, which surprised BURKE. RIPLEY, who still remembered ASH’s attempt at killing her, didn’t believe BISHOP when he explained that ANDROIDs now had behavioural inhibitors that prevented them from harming humans, directly or indirectly. RIPLEY showed him distrust and obvious prejudice from then on. Opinionated, but friendly, BISHOP preferred the term ‘artificial person’ to the ‘synthetic’ that everyone called him. BISHOP was the APC driver when the crew descended to the planet surface.

After they barricaded themselves in after the first ALIEN attack, BISHOP retired to medlab, where he studied the FACEHUGGERs and kept an eye on GORMAN, who had been injured. BURKE ordered him to keep the FACEHUGGERs in stasis, which aroused RIPLEY’s suspicions. When it was discovered that the ATMOSPHERE PROCESSOR was counting down to meltdown, BISHOP readily volunteered to travel to the landing field and bring down the second DROPSHIP from the SULACO by remote, though he told them beforehand he’d prefer not to. He waited at the landing field until RIPLEY and HICKS arrived, then landed at the ATMOSPHERE PROCESSOR to allow RIPLEY to go after NEWT. As not to confirm RIPLEY’s suspicions that he would betray them, even when the ATMOSPHERE PROCESSOR was very near to destruction, he stayed to save RIPLEY and NEWT. Back on the SULACO, he was eager to explain to RIPLEY that he was forced to take off because the platform they had landed on had become too unstable. He was pleased that she was finally accepting him. Then the QUEEN, which had hidden itself in the landing gear of the DROPSHIP revealed itself and ripped BISHOP apart. Whilst RIPLEY fought the QUEEN in a POWER LOADER, BISHOP saved NEWT from being blown out the airlock, though he was now severely damaged. He was damaged even more when a fire on board the SULACO caused the four survivors to be evacuated and the EEV crashed on FIORINA. All that was left of him was his head and one arm, but RIPLEY still fixed him back up again, as to be able to tell her what the flight recorder from the SULACO had recorded prior to their evacuation. He was able to confirm that there was an ALIEN on board the ship and that it was now on FIORINA. He was almost disgusted with his current state, and requested that RIPLEY deactivate him. She obliged. It is not known what happened to the remains of BISHOP after this. BISHOP was to return in ALIEN: RESURRECTION, but Lance Henriksen dropped out of the cast in early 1997. It is not known whether this was the same BISHOP or another ANDROID that just looked like him.

BISHOP, MICHAEL (Lance Henriksen) Synthetic components designer and engineer. He was responsible for the BISHOP model ANDROID and thus modelled its features after his own. Involved in the BIO-WEAPONS DIVISION operation to obtain the QUEEN from RIPLEY, he went to FIORINA in 2179. His mission was a failure, and he was attacked by AARON, nearly severing his ear from his head. In the original cut of ALIEN 3, Michael BISHOP and RIPLEY talked and bargained a lot longer in the lead works, and RIPLEY was just about to agree to his terms and let him have the QUEEN when she fell into the lead

BOGGS, EDWARD (Leon Herbert) Distinguished by the tattoo of a crucifix and snake on his forehead, and regarded as hostile and dangerous, BOGGS was sentenced to life imprisonment on FIORINA for kidnapping and felonious assault. He was serving this sentence when RIPLEY crash landed there in an EEV in the late 22nd century. He was killed by the ALIEN, which broke his neck, spraying his blood all over GOLIC, whilst out scavenging with GOLIC and RAINS.

BRETT, S.E. (Harry Dean Stanton) Chain-smoking BRETT, who rarely said anything but ‘right’ was the engineering technician aboard the NOSTROMO. Friends particularly with PARKER, they were both concerned that they weren’t getting enough money out of the mission, and that everyone was still getting more than them. Also like PARKER, he didn’t want to land on ACHERON when MOTHER picked up a distress signal from the surface. BRETT was still more concerned with the money when KANE was returned to the ship, having discovered the DERELICT, and been attacked by a FACEHUGGER. Inconsiderate and slightly selfish, BRETT amused RIPLEY with his banter.

But he didn’t just care for himself all the time. When hunting the newly-born ALIEN in the bowels of the ship, he stopped PARKER and RIPLEY from catching and killing the cat, JONES. He then went off to chase the cat, as not to stumble across it again. When he found the cat, it began hissing, and BRETT turned to see the ALIEN drop down from above and drag him to his death. The original cut of BRETT’s death was much longer than it was in the theatrical release. In this, BRETT turned to face the ALIEN, but wasn’t scared by it. He tried to frighten it by making loud noises. But then it grabbed him by the head and pulled him up into the air shaft. RIPLEY and PARKER then appeared in the room, and PARKER found some blood, but no body. In another cut scene, where RIPLEY stumbled onto a cocooned DALLAS, the captain pointed out BRETT, who had almost completely been transformed into an EGG

BRIDGE Located at the bow of the NOSTROMO's A Deck, the BRIDGE is where the ship is predominantly controlled from. LAMBERT's navigation instruments were here, as were many of ASH's scientific computers, plus the flight controls used by RIPLEY, DALLAS and KANE. RIPLEY used ECIU on the BRIDGE to partially translate the SPACE JOCKEY's transmission, and BRETT later demonstrated his cattle prods here. In total there were six crew stations on the BRIDGE, though only five were occupied by NOSTROMO crew members.

BUG HUNT HUDSON’s term for an alien encounter. The COLONIAL MARINEs were often called upon to deal with infestations, though nothing on the scale of what occurred at the ACHERON colony.

BUG STOMPER The call sign of the SULACO's number 1 DROPSHIP piloted by FERRO and SPUNKMEYER.

BUILDING BETTER WORLDS Corporate motto of WEYLAND-YUTANI Terraforming and Colonisation Division.

BURKE, CARTER J. (Paul Reiser) A smarmy, selfish, money-grabbing Special Projects Director of WEYLAND YUTANI that befriended RIPLEY when she was rescued from the NARCISSUS and taken to GATEWAY STATION. As always, BURKE had an ulterior motive: he wanted to know exactly where the DERELICT ship could be found on ACHERON so that he could get the credit for discovering a new weapon for the BIO-WEAPONS DIVISION to develop. He pretended to stand up for RIPLEY during the hearing with the COMPANY REVIEW BOARD, and was later the one who took GORMAN to meet RIPLEY and to convince her to return to ACHERON with them. Using the persuasion techniques he had learnt in his early days in the sales department, he managed to eventually win her over. He accompanied the COLONIAL MARINEs on the mission to ACHERON.

He stuck by everything RIPLEY said, right until the massacre in the HIVE, when RIPLEY turned to HICKS to get his permission to nuke the entire colony from orbit. As his true colours came out, the COLONIAL MARINEs began to trust him less and less. These suspicions were later verified when BURKE schemed to return the two live FACEHUGGERs back to EARTH, smuggling them through ICC quarantine. RIPLEY confronted him about it, and he really couldn’t understand what her problem was. After she threatened to report him to his superiors, he started looking for ways to stop her, culminating in trapping her and NEWT with the two FACEHUGGERs. It was whilst interrogating him that the ALIENs cut the power and BURKE managed to escape. His survival was now more important than anything, even the ALIEN. Having escaped the others, he found himself wandering around the medical suite in a panic, but then ran into an ALIEN. In the original cut, this wasn’t the last we saw of BURKE. Later, when RIPLEY was rescuing NEWT, she found BURKE cocooned in the HIVE, and he claimed he could feel the embryo moving inside him. RIPLEY gave him a grenade. We still saw this explosion, but were led to assume it was from the ATMOSPHERE PROCESSOR. James Cameron referred to BURKE’s early days in the sales department in his original script

BURNER Informal name for a SHOCKRIFLE, the primary weapon aboard the AURIGA. Instead of firing a projectile like contemporary weapons, the BURNER fired a powerful electrical charge that was capable of disabling or even killing a target.

The best Pred saved for last

my Horror site

celtic102, Yautja, 18 years ago

no wait im innocent
look at me

The best Pred saved for last

my Horror site

caboose3456, Yautja, 18 years ago

that where you got the info?

Goodbye pinkie toe...YOU SHALL BE AVENGED

caboose3456, Yautja, 18 years ago

Dont feel bad dude Im amazed you had the patence to copy all that

Goodbye pinkie toe...YOU SHALL BE AVENGED

celtic102, Yautja, 18 years ago

i know i kept having to take out the bit that tells u about the pictures

The best Pred saved for last

my Horror site

celtic102, Yautja, 18 years ago

what ???

The best Pred saved for last

my Horror site

caboose3456, Yautja, 18 years ago


Goodbye pinkie toe...YOU SHALL BE AVENGED

celtic102, Yautja, 18 years ago

its true its true

The best Pred saved for last

my Horror site

celtic102, Yautja, 18 years ago

*whistles and kicks leaves about*

The best Pred saved for last

my Horror site

caboose3456, Yautja, 18 years ago

you did didnt you

Goodbye pinkie toe...YOU SHALL BE AVENGED