Deathdrop, Yautja, 9 years ago

@DW: Wouldn't surprise me; my computer's clock did the same thing. 4 years ago, it was 15 minutes fast. Now it's up to an hour and 20 minutes.

DeathWraith, Yautja, 9 years ago

I'm not dignifying that with a response. = I cannot come up with a proper counterargument that would stem from logic and not from pure buttrage, so I give up, but will still try to get the last word even though it doesn't mean anything, because it will make me feel like I was right all along.

skull_ripper, Yautja, 9 years ago

No, it means I am not going to dignify that with a response because the statement above is completely ridiculous and the fact you had to bring it up incredibly childish and petty, just like needing to get the last word in.

What logic is there in "Person A orders a medium rare steak. They receive a medium rare steak. Person A is not satisfied because their steak is not a rare steak even though they ordered a medium rare steak. Person B who made the medium rare steak is upset by this as a whole steak was wasted on someone who did not order what they actually wanted."

Person A is in error.

-Bloo-, Yautja, 9 years ago

Chicken nuggets are so great, I think I'm about to cry...

DeathWraith, Yautja, 9 years ago

Yeah, Person A is in error, but at the same time Person A is not getting paid to not be in error. Person B, on the other hand, is getting paid by Person C to provide Person A with the steak they request regardless of Person A's lack of steak rarity appreciation prowess, therefore Person B will either do what Person A asks of them in this regard, or Person C will stop paying Person B. What is the problem here? Life isn't fair. If life were fair, the state would provide steaks of equal rarity for every citizen and we would all be happy communists.

tawganator, Yautja, 9 years ago

An artist? puh. I'm saying that when you love what you do and you know that it is perfect and someone tells you that you got it wrong and to do it right it can get you a little irritated because that dish was wasted = money loss and now you have to make it again and straight away meaning that other orders are pushed ./

never mind i cant be flippin bothered to argue how some customers get off on sending back food and try to get free food and are ungrateful and dont care about others and the effects that can have on someone

DeathWraith, Yautja, 9 years ago

"I'm saying that when you love what you do and you know that it is perfect and someone tells you that you got it wrong and to do it right it can get you a little irritated"

Oh yeah sounds nothing like an artist.

skull_ripper, Yautja, 9 years ago

Never mind about my request on those photos earlier, I ended up doing myself just to try(I have previously had poor dealings with digital art) and according to my sister who actually can do digital art I did really good on a first attempt.

Deathdrop, Yautja, 9 years ago

OH MY GOD you guys, who gives a fuck?

Dronehive, Yautja, 9 years ago

Nah, everyone's wrong.

You see, when you get to the meat (get it?) of it, there's gotta be something else. I mean, we could just be eating shit and leaves and make it out okay. But no, we spend money on steak. I think its high time we understood why. It would be too simple, to naive to say it's the taste, or the high nutrition content. No, I believe the steak is so much more.

I have come to the conclusion that steak is just a representation of our humanity. Our desires, our wants, juicy greed and maddening hunger to devour tasty morsels. But we end up disappointed; no matter how much we're given, we want more, and more. It can happen so quickly that before we know it, our fork is in our side, eating away at who we were and leaving behind only the bone. Yes, its our need for more in life that makes us so ignorant of our ability to get by with only the scraps, to the point of us constantly depending on feeding an unending hunger, to the point were we become mere shadows of the people we could be.

But who are the cooks? The cooks are the temptations of life, they are the ones that can make your mouth water and our resolve waver. They are the succubus of our tastebuds, a vampire of our freedom, a sickness that makes your belly fat. But they are also the eater of the steak, for they beg like the rest of us for a simple luxury of life.

I like my steak with mushhhrooomss.

skull_ripper, Yautja, 9 years ago

@DD: I don't know, I guess it just got blown out of proportion.

@DH: You... you made me cry with that. I don't know why, I don't really cry unless something died, but that just hit me right in the blood pump. THE FEELS ARE STRONG WITH THIS ONE.

DeathWraith, Yautja, 9 years ago

@DH Actually we spend money on steak because cooked meat is easier to digest.

Deathdrop, Yautja, 9 years ago

^ Is that why it always gives me the shits?

DeathWraith, Yautja, 9 years ago

^ Yeah, it's supposed to turn into shit after it's been digested. Like literally shit.

Deathdrop, Yautja, 9 years ago

You... That...


-Bloo-, Yautja, 9 years ago


DeathWraith, Yautja, 9 years ago

Ay Bloo, wot u think of this here list?

-Bloo-, Yautja, 9 years ago

Well, I love Ghost in the Shell. Every adaption is great, but Standalone Complex is my favorite.

Eden of the East is good, but it's not the best thing I've ever seen, even though a lot of people say that.

I actually haven't finished Moribito/Guardian of the Spirit, but so far it's interesting. The pacing is really slow though.

Perfect Blue is a fucked up trip, but it's great. Same goes for Paprika. Actually, they're not that fucked up if you're used to psychological thrillers, but they're still pretty good.

Kids on the Slope is GREAT. I really liked it because I'm a drummer, and because there's a lot of "black jazz." I dunno if it's for everyone, though.

I'm actually about to start Tatami Galaxy. I hear it's really good.

Anyway, I haven't seen anything else on this list except Hyouka, and while I liked it a lot, you'd never catch me putting it on a "great anime" list.

Edit: I just caught up on Parasyte and it's great, but FUCK THIS SHOW WHAT THE FUCK

Dronehive, Yautja, 9 years ago

Hey Bloo, just thinking a bit. All this talk about shows reminded me; there's a series of movies I started watching, called Garden of Sinners. Its seven movies long. Haven't finished it, but if you haven't yet, I recommend it strongly.

Also the soundtrack is amazing as fuck.

Actually I have this huge list of shows I wish you would watch, mainly because

A) You would really like some.

B) The only show I recommended that you've watched is, looking back, a pile of shit. Fucking Elen Lied had a good concept, man. Then blood and tits and powers and crazy and ?

A List in Order of Plz

Serial Experiments Lain (yeah yeah yeah)

Higurashi (Often considered to be one of the few truely "horror" anime. Sure, its a bloodfest, but its also a psychological thriller/mystery that makes your brain happy and gives you nightmares).

Revolutionary Girl Utena (Only comparable to Evangelion or Madoka. Its less dark, but its a deconstruction of Magical Girl/Shoujo.)


DeathWraith, Yautja, 9 years ago
