FireHunter, Human, 10 years ago

Bloo, when you want to add something to the "Some Art Crap" thread just email me and I'll unlock it for you.

Also, yeah what kind of music production are we talking here?

skull_ripper, Human, 10 years ago

Actually its a podcast, I've considered trying to do the other though and if I did I'd go for rock/metal.

DeathWraith, Human, 10 years ago

It would be pretty helpful to write some sort of changelog for that thread when you update it, Bloo. I don't know if you already do that, just saying. Also, do you have Steam?

-Bloo-, Human, 10 years ago

Thanks, FH, that's a good idea.

@DW: I'll actually post in the "Hey Everyone" thread with an update log everytime I add/change something in the other thread, which porbably won't be soon. I'm working on a few changes to the posts already there, as well as two new posts about ither stuff.

I'm considering taking out all the spoiler tags 'cause it's a pain the ass writing them all in.

Edit: And yeah, but I have to check what my Steam name is, I don't use that thing as much as I want.

DeathWraith, Human, 10 years ago

Well, whenever you're ready, Bloo.

Ay krio

skull_ripper, Human, 10 years ago

I should make a Triceraton costume, every one should have one! So why not me I thought.


gamefreak33797, Human, 10 years ago


I'm gonna make either a Death the Kid costume or Soul Eater costume..

(Images coming later, in school atm.)

skull_ripper, Human, 10 years ago

One of my relatives has been badgering to read the thinga-ma-jig that soul eaters are from, I haven't yet but I probably should...

Also, you were the first person to post in the OFF-TOPIC THREAD in over twenty-four hours! That's scary that nobody said anything in this thread for a whole day, but apparently I was the only person lurking here yesterday :/

concretehunter, Human, 10 years ago

I lurk all the time, I just don't post as much as i used to.

Quality over quantity brah.

DeathWraith, Human, 10 years ago

Lurking means being here without posting, so since you're the only one who posted, you're the only one who was not lurking here.

skull_ripper, Human, 10 years ago

Oh...... my bad.

Deathdrop, Human, 10 years ago

Those seals are giving me shit again...

skull_ripper, Human, 10 years ago

Damn marine animals, aint got no respect for us surface dwellers! Wait, I'm an Octopus, why am I bad mouthing myself?

Dronehive, Human, 10 years ago

Rape them, then liquify the mutant child and drink it.

Deathdrop, Human, 10 years ago

That seems a tad extreme.

skull_ripper, Human, 10 years ago

@DH: What????

-Bloo-, Human, 10 years ago

Don't have sex with seals. It might be bothersome, if you know what I mean.

It might be BOTHERsome.

Dronehive, Human, 10 years ago


Also it is totes not extreme they deserve it.

skull_ripper, Human, 10 years ago

@DH: We(or at least I) don't know who your referring to, also that does seem a bit on the extreme side regardless.

DarkLioness, Human, 10 years ago

What....did I just walk into?