Deathdrop, Human, 10 years ago

"not guilty"


DarkLioness, Human, 10 years ago

So was browsing the tv when I noticed "Ted" was on.

I'm surprised I got my parents to watch it(it's bene on for a while now though). I've never seen it and my parents are all like "What the hell are we watching?"

This is like Family Guy, just R Rated.

-Bloo-, Human, 10 years ago

@DD: I just read an article about that and this was my favorite exchange in the comments:

"The jury got it right. Respect the law, the verdict and the system. Remember, none of you were there that night nor in the shoes of the jurists."
"eat a dick CRACKER"

But seriously, just, fuck that guy.

Deathdrop, Human, 10 years ago

So I've tried to go through this logic:

> Following a teenager in a car.


> Call cops

> Cops tell you to stop following him

> Keep following him

> Cops tell you not to get out of your car

> Get out of your car

> Aggressively confront teenager after creepily following him in car

> Teenager defends himself

> Shoots teenager


"The jury got it right. Respect the law, the verdict and the system. Remember, none of you were there that night nor in the shoes of the jurists."

I love shit like this. By that logic, the whole trial is pointless because none of the jury were there that night.

DarkLioness, Human, 10 years ago

^Yeah I've been trying to figure out the whole logic of this too.

I mean think about, stalkers go to prison for stalking people right? Especially if they attack the person they're stalking. So if you want t go by this flawed logic here, why are do stalkers go to prison?

Oh and that whole "He was armed with cement." when I walk on the sidewalk I'm actually armed?

This makes no sense at all too me.

Dronehive, Human, 10 years ago


Stereotyping and supremacy. The defendant is clearly superior....

God I hate everything.

Rampage, Human, 10 years ago

Well on a lighter note everyone(frankly I do see how he was found not guilty either):

Would it be weird if we all did a Harlem Shake?

Not asking that well all did a video with everyone here in the same video(but that would be weird) but like an individual video mash up.

Deathdrop, Human, 10 years ago

That's kind of like asking us if we've seen Gangham Style.

Dronehive, Human, 10 years ago

More like not listenening to Eddie Morton. Get with the times.

Deathdrop, Human, 10 years ago

Shit, did I just get Told?

Dronehive, Human, 10 years ago

Yes you did.

(Seriously, Morton is the SHIIIITTT)

Rampage, Human, 10 years ago


Nah not really, I just saying would any of you ever attempt to make a Harlem Shake video and upload it to YouTube(or whatever).

Mainly I'm bored and trying to cheer everyone up.

-Bloo-, Human, 10 years ago

If you're not already a professional Youtuber who uploaded his Harlem Shake video 3 months ago, I wouldn't bother. Not even the good ones were good.

@DD: It makes me sad that this is the world we live in - it means it's not going to change for a long time.

A lot of our major social issues today were strong as ever 40 years ago. Even the ones we've fixed are still broken.

skull_ripper, Human, 10 years ago

The whole thing was just tragic, I am really pissed at the jury of jerk offs who said not guilty. A relative said he and his family were openly racist, everything said he did it but they said he didn't, its complete and utter bullshit and they'll get what's coming to them, one way or another.

I'm too white to dance, so no Harlem shake for me.

-Bloo-, Human, 10 years ago

Maybe, but as of right now, you can get away with murder in Florida as long as you can prove that it wasn't really your fault when it clearly was - meanwhile, in Texas, you can control your body as much as you want as long as you're an old politician that isn't a woman.

God bless America.

Dronehive, Human, 10 years ago

We shoud all just be al smart and get moeny so we can move into the atlantic ocean. We can call it "Predlantis".

skull_ripper, Human, 10 years ago

^I feel like there'd be a sign that said "Free candy" at a city called predlantis.

-Bloo-, Human, 10 years ago


Dronehive, Human, 10 years ago

And then we can help jellyfish conquer the world. The end.

Peterson, Human, 10 years ago

So I bought Starcraft II Heart of the Swarm on friday and completed the campeign today and i would have to say Blizzard redeemed themselves considering Wings of Liberty Sucked.