how are alien kings made

shockwave, Xenomorph, 10 years ago

just been wondering for a long long time. sorry if off topic guys. o3o

skull_ripper, Xenomorph, 10 years ago

Well, im not quite sure. I'll poke around and see if i can find some information on it.

shockwave, Xenomorph, 10 years ago

Thanks man. o3o

skull_ripper, Xenomorph, 10 years ago

I found something, its not much, but its all i could find. They are only found in the most advanced hives, basically serving the same role as a Praetorian, except there is only one. It protects the queen, but if it dies it releases pheromones that triggers a Praetorian to become king. If the queen dies it will become the new queen. Here's the article i found

shockwave, Xenomorph, 10 years ago

Can you look up how to train a xenomorph

ultimate-xeno, Xenomorph, 10 years ago

you know i'm not sure if there really is an alien king.

shockwave, Xenomorph, 10 years ago

Have you checked out aliens anthology wikia? because it says there really was one in one of the comic books called aliens: Rogue

Deathdrop, Xenomorph, 10 years ago

There is no Alien King. There was a comic where they tried to create a "male" queen, but it was a mindless deformed brute that killed every other Xeno (before getting slaughtered by the Queen) and couldn't reproduce.

shockwave, Xenomorph, 10 years ago

Of course there is such thing as a alien king. They only appear in the most advanced hives . Their job is to protect the queens( kinda like a praetorian) but instead theres only one per hive. If the king dies, a praetorian will mold into another king alien

-Bloo-, Xenomorph, 10 years ago

I'm curious as to what you consider canon, because the only sources to be taken seriously are the films and ACM.

skull_ripper, Xenomorph, 10 years ago

I wouldn't consider ACM canon, at least not like the movies. Honestly i don't know that much about the game, correct me if im wrong.

Dronehive, Xenomorph, 10 years ago

Aren't some of the comics canon as well? If not, then pretorians aren't canon.

Deathdrop, Xenomorph, 10 years ago

Depends on who you ask, of course, but the generally accepted rule is that only the movies are canon. The comics and games tend to contradict each other.

As for which movies are canon, that's another debate, but Prometheus seems to ignore the AVP and Predator films.

In other words, the Alien canon would be the four Alien films and Prometheus.

-Bloo-, Xenomorph, 10 years ago

ACM was actually stated to be an official sequel to Aliens, which means it takes either right before or during Alien 3. It wasn't very clear on that.

My favorite thing to point out whenever we have this issue of "what's canon" is that this means Praetorians and the Blooding Rituals aren't canon, but the Newborn and the fact that Wey-Yu was bought out by Walmart IS.

Dronehive, Xenomorph, 10 years ago

Which is sad, because the comics were good and 3 and resurrection sucked.

-Bloo-, Xenomorph, 10 years ago

While Resurrection, even with some its awesome characters, sucked hard rhino dick, Alien 3 really wasn't all that bad.

That said, I do wish some of our favorite things from the games/comics made their way to a proper piece of canon media.

ACM is ripe for a sequel, whether it be in the form of a movie/tv show or another game.

Dronehive, Xenomorph, 10 years ago

I guess 3 wasn't too bad, but it stopped being scary. The only true life of horror in the series is Alien. The rest is sy-fi. Especially AVP.

concretehunter, Xenomorph, 10 years ago

Step 1: Take one shoe off
Step 2: Lay flat on your back and raise your pelvis into the air
Step 3: Go down to your local McDonnalds and ask for an egg Mcmuffin with extra king
Step 4: You will be given a key
Step 5: Go to your local bank
Step 6: Scream "PINOCHIO" at the first person to talk to you
Step 7: You will be taken to the back room of the bank, You will be forced to open a safe with the key. Inside will be a plane ticket to Kenya.
Step 8: Travel to Kenya and you will meet with a man named "Man"
Step 9: Man will take you to a small hut in Nairobi with a star wars blanket as a door
Step 10: There will be no light exept a small hole in he wall
Step 11: Put your fingers through this hole
Step 12: You will feel a small bite

You will then be allowed to know how Xenomorphs elect kings