skull_ripper, Yautja, 10 years ago

Oh my god, Bronies!!! Run for the hills!!!

Deathdrop, Yautja, 10 years ago

"My Little Pony"

You get the hell off our land.

-Bloo-, Yautja, 10 years ago

^That made me laugh harder than it should it have.

Dronehive, Yautja, 10 years ago

Hahahahahahaha fuck you.

Also my one argument is Dirk Strider likes it

Fuck you alll and die and shit I live in your house with you go the fuck to sleep I will rape you counts bitch fuck ass tits Bronies 4tw <========8

skull_ripper, Yautja, 10 years ago

Who the fuck is Dirk Strider? Also the sexy time is a two way street, right?(winks)

Dronehive, Yautja, 10 years ago

Only the best gay fictional character ever. Look him up on google images. :-)

Deathdrop, Yautja, 10 years ago

I would advise against eating strange cheeses, but do what you like.

skull_ripper, Yautja, 10 years ago

Yeah, I know better than to google image a gay fiction character. I mean seriously is your opinion of my intellect that low? I admit that one might get that impression if they knew me personally, but im not that stupid you tricksy shit.

Deathdrop, Yautja, 10 years ago

It's actually just a harmless webcomic character who happens to be gay.

EDIT: I have edited by original post to involve cheeses.

Dronehive, Yautja, 10 years ago

Nope there's 100% nothing but him being awesome. Nothing. Bad. At. All. Even with safe search off, worst I see is kissing. Really.

Nonope turn saddened on moderate not off Kay got it good. Actually, never turn safe search off, kids.

skull_ripper, Yautja, 10 years ago

If either of you are tricking me I will hunt you guys down like animals.

Deathdrop, Yautja, 10 years ago

I understand your concern, but I've googled it, and I'm not seeing anything horrible. You should be fine as long as you have the content filter on.

Dronehive, Yautja, 10 years ago

There. Look at that.

Deathdrop, Yautja, 10 years ago

^ Since I'm apparently the bomb-sniffing dog now, I can confirm that the link is unobjectionable.

Dronehive, Yautja, 10 years ago

Sniff sniff doggy. ;-)

skull_ripper, Yautja, 10 years ago

Ok, it turned out fine, so I apologize for my blatant hostility, my older brothers done that kinda shit so many times it aint funny. Also I have no beef with gay people, I just don't want to see them doing the nasty.

Dronehive, Yautja, 10 years ago

Doing the nasty...


Deathdrop, Yautja, 10 years ago

^ It's not as if internet fan art of cartoon characters buggering each other was a rare occurrence. You can't blame the guy for being cautious.

Also, my cousin owns a cactus named Bill.

Dronehive, Yautja, 10 years ago

No, the choice of words was amusing.

ALS I am a pimpkin

skull_ripper, Yautja, 10 years ago

I had a cactus once, it died, sad face.