xenomorph forms

avp-rookie, Undefined, 11 years ago

So this is something I've been dieing to discuss. So in prometheus the xeno bio weapon is in jars that look similar to the eggs, but what come out of them looks kind of like the "claw" in color but has the form of a snake or something. Anyway the snake xeno kills those two guys and then takes over that guys body and he becomes super strong and hard to kill but a xeno never came out of him. David then takes a little drop of the liquid itself and puts it in that other his drink. He then plants it in his gf and it's starts to form...she cuts it out then latter it attaches to the promethean and creates a xeno. So it took crossing with human genes to become the giant claw thing then it Crosses with the promethean genes and becomes a xenomorph. Does that xeno become a matriarch and begin Laying eggs? Does that become xeno home planet? My second question is if a claw attaches to something other than human would out become a different xenomorph like the abomination in avpr? Lets say it attached to the face of a tiger or lion or dog would it become a new form

FireHunter, Undefined, 11 years ago

It wasn't the snake assuming control of Fifield's body, it was the liquid mutating him to become like that. Also, David put the drop in the glass that the guy drank, infecting him, and then he had sex with the girl, impregnating her with the "Trilobite" which impregnated the Engineer with what looks like a Xenomorph, but I don't think it is a xenomorph, but a very early evolution of one. This was not the first one, but there's always room for speculation on where the xenomorphs actually came from.

badapple24, Undefined, 11 years ago

it was assumed to be a "Protomorph" That came out of the engineer. not a xeno

avp-rookie, Undefined, 11 years ago

So can a xenomorph only be made from a human? And no body answered my second question if a "Trilobite " attaches to a different lifeform besides a human will it take a different form than a xenomorph. Like if it attached to a dog out lion or something else??? Would they take over all life forms???

-Bloo-, Undefined, 11 years ago

We assume that a Xeno can be made from pretty much anything, it's just that the Protomorph wasn't planted by a standard Facehugger, so it wasn't exactly a Xenomorph.

What I mean is, even though different hosts produce different types of Xenos, they're still pretty much the same other than color and size. This thing was a space dinosaur with a completely different second jaw.

My own theory (and this is fan wankery at its finest) is that, since it was so huge, it was the first Queen. I know Dave doesn't support the whole hive thing, so if it's not a Queen, it's still the Xenomorph's direct predecessor.

avp-rookie, Undefined, 11 years ago

I would like to see that. When i beat the alien campaign for avp on xbox the alien I played as (in a cut scene) evolved into a matriarch after it's queen died could that maybe happen with that new xeno? Does this planet become the hive?

badapple24, Undefined, 11 years ago

This Planet was actually LV-426, they have the original Direlect spaceship (The ship that crashes) On the surface in alien, aliens. one other thing I don't get is how alien is in the year 2031 and Prometheus is in year 2091. like WTF.

-Bloo-, Undefined, 11 years ago

I noticed the Escape Mode trailer for Colonial Marines listed new names the Warrior and Drone, which are Soldier and Lurker (and the Lurker looks a lot like the original '79 alien rather than the AVP kind). Since this game's actually canon and will probably retcon a whole mess of shit, I don't know how I feel about them not using the names we've been so used to for the past few decades.

avp-rookie, Undefined, 11 years ago

I would like to see that. When i beat the alien campaign for avp on xbox the alien I played as (in a cut scene) evolved into a after it's queen died could that maybe happen with that new xeno?

avp-rookie, Undefined, 11 years ago

So can a xenomorph only be made from a human? And no body answered my second question if a "Trilobite " attaches to a different lifeform besides a human will it take a different form than a xenomorph. Like if it attached to a dog out lion or something else??? Would they take over all life forms???

avp-rookie, Undefined, 11 years ago

Sorry phone glitched and re-posted old posts

-Bloo-, Undefined, 11 years ago

In Alien 3, the Dogalien came from, well, a dog. (It was an Oxalien depending on which version you watch.)