Are there different types of predators?

HUNTER1003, Xenomorph, 11 years ago

I am not really sure if there are, so I want your answers.

alienxeno, Xenomorph, 11 years ago predators the rogue predator was had a diffrent face.

Trophy-Hunter, Xenomorph, 11 years ago

Super Predators!! The Bad Bloods!!

badapple24, Xenomorph, 11 years ago

does anyone notice that the city pred and the super pred look exactly alike

Trophy-Hunter, Xenomorph, 11 years ago

Yeah thats why I love them!

Blizzard, Xenomorph, 11 years ago

It seems like you are a huge Predator fan XD

ps: fancy a rp in the sparring chamber ?

DarkLioness, Xenomorph, 11 years ago

Yeah there are two types of Predators