an all out war

badapple24, Xenomorph, 11 years ago

what if all xenomorphs from the movies and all the predators from the movies survived and had an all out war on a barren wasteland? which side would win and why?

alienxeno, Xenomorph, 11 years ago

dont know?

Kirby-Cage, Xenomorph, 11 years ago

Aliens should win because of sheer numbers, not saying the Predators wouldn't put up a fight though, or it would be like the AVP in that one were they just blow themselves up and all the aliens which now that I thought of that seems far more likely......

HUNTER1003, Xenomorph, 11 years ago

if badapple24 was on the aliens team he would kick predator ass and the aliens would win. if he wasn't the aliens would get thier ass beat.

HUNTER1003, Xenomorph, 11 years ago

it is the first avp movie and i love that scene tons of aliens running up the prymid and the predators beating ass until they got overrun and blew them all up

gamefreak33797, Xenomorph, 11 years ago

Now if -Bloo- was on it the Predators would run away in shear fear and disgusting at all his Sexual jokes.

FireHunter, Xenomorph, 11 years ago

The question involves the creatures from the films, not the site. And when it comes to all out warfare upon a barren wasteland, the aliens would get torn apart, seeing as in total there's probably about fifty actually seen all the movies, not counting the pyramid scene in AvP. You'd have three queens, a predalien, a runner, and roughly forty other aliens. And there would be twenty-seven predators including the elders seen. The predators have long-ranged weaponry, which would mean their victory on a barren wasteland. However, if this same battle was to take place in a jungle or on a spaceship, you'd have a much different story, assuming the predators don't self-detonate.

Although, upon a barren wasteland, you could probably even include the hundreds of xenomorphs from the Pyramid scene and chances are the predators would still come out on top.

-Bloo-, Xenomorph, 11 years ago

I'm going with Firehunter. Keep in mind that, in the pyramid scene alone, those were just a bunch of teenagers pulling that off. Despite the fact that they died at the end, hundreds more trios like them in the past succeeded at the same exact task. Mix in even just the Elders and the Xenomorphs are fucked.

Blizzard, Xenomorph, 11 years ago

That depends I could imagine the predator just self destructing but the chance of killing all of them is highly unlikely beside Im sure the predator would want to get the newborn trophy ( if he is alive )
I would say aliens because they are so many compared to the predators

WolfThePredator, Xenomorph, 11 years ago

I think aliens because they won a lot of battles in the movies but could lose depending the area and weaponry

Wrosas, Xenomorph, 11 years ago

Even though I'm a xenomorph I think the predators would win because of their technology and their experience in fighting with blades and if they were to lose then they could just blow them selves up with the bomb thing that would create a tie.

Voltage-3000, Xenomorph, 11 years ago

Its kinda hard to think about something like that but i think it become a draw because in the first AVP it was only a few that took on waves. i guess from that small number who can count up a certain amount they can take on each. now and then you got the ones that stand out from their hive but thats just a few when predators got the training to fight many. But if the elder preds trusted new bloods to take on hoards then you have to think about the well experienced ones. Elders can probably carry alot of weight among their brothers. and their has to be one queen or their be throne issues right? so one queen, her horde vs well trained and new blooded preds. the aliens themselves can make babies like nothing so they have the numbers and preds have the skill.

but seeing how when they die they blow themselves up. so in the end they nuke themselves destroying everything thus the planet too making it uninhabitable for any species to tread. if the queen got aboard a ship its still not gonna go anywhere they will be marooned and doom to die in space. so it just be a mass killing spree with no fairness.