alien story part 1ps:ragnarok is in it.

alienxeno, Yautja, 11 years ago

WARNING.this takes part before alien movie.

james hardheart was a serial killer with the code name serpent.commander shephard always watches day there was a new planet found and it had live.supspicouss live.james hardheart that day was asked by commander shephard:do you want to be free......than you will have to do something for will have to go to a new planet and search for life.but....we know that there is life there.james said.why in the love of god do i have to go there.
whe need samples to expiriment on the thing that you get there.......

to be continued

ragnarok521, Yautja, 11 years ago

James was afraid for what will be in that mysterious planet ... Commander Shepard ! He said ; Im ready to go !
Commander Shepard smiles , and says : Make me proud Hardheart , if you die , you will be remembered .... And James answer : Im not affraid to die commander , Im not affraid ....

To be continued ...

Deathdrop, Yautja, 11 years ago

Guys, we have a fan fiction thread if you'd like to post a story.

alienxeno, Yautja, 11 years ago

ragnarok this is just a story.not a rpgish fight ok?

ragnarok521, Yautja, 11 years ago
