Preview trailer thoughts - Prometheus crashes into 'derelict'

daveberg, Xenomorph, 12 years ago

From watching the short preview for the full length trailer due out this week, I am now almost 99% certain that the Prometheus is used to smash head on into the 'derelict' ship to stop it from reaching Earth.

I'm willing to bet, after a lot of poking around and doing things they shouldn't be doing from the human crew, the Space Jockeys are now angered to the point that they decide the best form of punishment for the humans, is to gather up a special 'cargo', load up and drop it on Earth - Cue Prometheus crashing into the Derelict to stop it going any further, 'stranding' it on a baren planet we've all come to know as LV-426.

A quick shot in the teaser shows an escape pod being fired from the Prometheus onto the planet, which i'm thinking holds Vickers & Shaw - again, cue the Derelict crashing down on the planet, then Vickers/Shaw leaving a garbled distress signal from within the crashed vessel which ultimately leads us, many years in the future, to the crew of the Nostromo picking this up.......

Gotta love crazy conjecture.

Mebber, Xenomorph, 12 years ago

The prometheus is launching some kind of pod while flying towards the jockey ship, could be the pilot escaping the Prometheus after setting an collision course, so your theory really sounds plausible. Well, we can only speculate about the motives to ram the jockey ship. Stopping it from flying to earth sounds good, but maybe for other reasons than the jockey trying to punish the humans?

Maybe it's one of the crwmembers of the prometheus trying to fly the ship to earth, maybe for the company, and the rest of the crew is trying to stop him for some reasons (maybe whatever they found on the derelict is way too dangerous to deliever it to earth and a ruthless company).

One thing i'm still wondering about; if this planet is really LV-426, why is it looking so different from the acherontic landscapes we've seen in Alien and partly in Aliens? Just good weather and a different season?

Ash said the planet is cold, extremly cold, "way below" the freezing point, but still we can clearly see a fluid waterfall in the first trailer... i can understand weather and temperature changed after terraforming, but before?

daveberg, Xenomorph, 12 years ago

It has been said by production crew that the planet in question is not LV-426. But that's coming from people who swore to you that this wasn't a 'prequel' to Alien, so as of now, I believe very little that is being said.

One mad theory - after the humans 'steal fire form the gods' the gods/engineers/jockeys set about a mass planet destruction/ reverse terraformation which could indeed cause it to look similar to our beloved LV-426, in order to prevent anyone else from attempting to tamper/steal their intelligence? Just wild theories.

In all honesty, i'm just a fan boy who WANTS that planet to be LV-426.

Mebber, Xenomorph, 12 years ago

But why to make an entire planet a bit less habitable if they just could blow up the jockey derelict with some sort of jockey-nuke? Would be much easier, and even more effective.

It appears the ship crashes at some point to the planet surface (and lands in a quite weird angle- seriously, why is it standing upright!?), it would be strange if it would start again afterwards...
Maybe the derelict seen in alien is a different ship simply of the same class or something.

Theory: They find something extremly great and dangerous on an alien ship (as great and dangerous as fire was for early humans). But something bad happens, the crew or parts of it are killed, plenty of shit happens, and finally the alien ship with it's secrets is completely blown up in pieces in some way. But the company continues to seek for these lost secrets. They install a special protocoll on all of their commercial ships to look out for other signs of this alien species, and they add androids instructed with secret orders to any of their ships in order to take control of the situation if one of the ships actually comes across another alien ship. And some years after, it really happens... and 'Alien" begins.