Fan-theories you love/hate?

Deathdrop, Yautja, 13 years ago

Fanon can be interesting, but it can also be pants-shitingly bad. Are there any fan theories/tropes/assumptions you wish were canon? Are theere any you flat-out despise?

DeathWraith, Yautja, 13 years ago

The theory that a predalien is a very rare occourance and that when it would appear, it would be a hybrid between an alien and a predator is the only fan theory i hate. I don't have a problem with pretty much anything else. But to assume that for absolutely no reason, other than being hosted by a predator, an alien will turn into a new species is just pants-shittingly bad. Good thing i'm constipated.

What i'd like to be canon is the Praetorian as a conditioned next evolution either from drone or warrior, acting as a guardian for the queen in an old, well established hive.

Mebber, Yautja, 13 years ago

I agree with DeathWraith in both points. No need to explain it again why i don't like the predalien-hybrid-thing.

About the praetorians and their evolution process, i think it would add even more complexity to the xenos without removing any of their secrets. I loved the notes in avp2 explaining a hives structure and hierarchy. And the idea that every xenomorph can rise to a queen is pretty scary, it would make a alien infestation unstoppable: only one overlooked alien can create a new hive eventually.

Deathdrop, Yautja, 13 years ago

The number 1 fan-thing I hate is Alien/Predator/human romance. I don't know if it's even a theory, but I hate it.

NOT just because it’s disgusting (hey, whatever gets you through the night) but because it assumes too much familiarity with the unknowable abomination.

Whatever the author's intent is, when you know something well enough to communicate with it, or be friends with it, or even have sex with it, it suddenly isn’t as unknown or scary as it used to be.

This is why I stopped reading fanfiction; it inevitably tries to make the aliens cute, the Predators into giant boyfriends, the hive into an inner circle of friends, etc. Basically, it tries to make the face-raping monsters from space too agreeable.

This is bad because it betrays the most essential element (in my opinion) of the Alien and Predator series: These things are ALIEN. They Are Not Like Us. They don’t want you, or need you, or think anything of you.

That hivemind the Aliens have? It isn’t some goofy biological facebook so all the little aliens can talk to mommy; it’s a link between the Xeno’s minds so fundamentally inhuman that we literally don’t have a word to describe it.

Those people who like to justify the Predators’ actions with “but dey haz honerrrr”?

Yeah? The Vikings had an honor code; didn’t stop them from raping and killing everything in sight. Preds see us as little more than sport. They hunt us because goddamn is it ever fun to shoot those round-headed things.

Does this make any sense, or am I rambling?

DeathWraith, Yautja, 13 years ago

Well what you're doing is you're complaining about fanfiction in a thread that i thought was about serious theories. You can't take fanfiction seriously, it's fiction within fiction.

Deathdrop, Yautja, 13 years ago

Maybe I should ahve titled the thread "fan-things" instead of fan-theories. I just think this attitude of the Xenos and Preds just being misunderstood carries over into discussion of movies and such.

Sam-Jack-Dunn, Yautja, 13 years ago

Given the way the bugs seem to biologically work, sadly, Predaliens seem entirely feasable. It's just going by the 'dog-alien' line of thought from AVP3. The bugs take genetic material from their hosts to better adapt to the local environment.

Having Predaliens regurgitate sperm and impregnate already pregnant women, however, is ridiculous. There's no way the dna imput would be drastic enough to produce a whole new breeding style when if you've just made a predalien, the old one apparently works fine. Natural selection doesn't drop things that're good.

I'd just have the Predalien like from the AvP2 game - a little stronger, looks different, but essentially is still a Xenomorph (IE, still part of the hive heirachy. Yes, i'm talking Predalien Drone and Predalien warrior. Eventually, Predalien Praetorian or Queen).

I have no issue with them being Canon. The theory put forward in AVP2 is perfectly feasable - if a hive lasts long enough, the strongest bugs will moult and become sub-queens, to create hives elsewhere or to protect the current Queen. Better than the Aliens theory, which had each Queen having a single superfacehugger to look after.

How's the hive meant to spread like that? O_O

And these things are BIO-WEAPONS, of course they're meant to spread.

DeathWraith, Yautja, 13 years ago

I also dislike any theory that contradicts a movie scene, such as the one above. I'm too tired right now to come up with an arguement about why i think the super facehugger thing is better, but if i remember, i'll do it tomorrow.

Sam-Jack-Dunn, Yautja, 13 years ago

Nah worries, I can wait.

DeathWraith, Yautja, 13 years ago

Alright, let's see. I don't like the Queen molding theory. I don't think simple workers or warriors should be able to become leaders of a hive, only guards at most, which is why i say Praetorians should be asexual, like the drones and warriors. Something like eunuchs. They should be made in such a way that they are never tempted to attack the queen unless ordered to do so for he own safety or the safety of the hive. I'm not against the idea that the drones should be males or females or however you want it as long as it's not ridiculous, but this is my favourite option. And considering that i believe the hive itself is an organism that spreads through the walls from where it started out, that's how a hive should spread. A new queen should be exceptional. Maybe only one per planet and the super facehugger egg should be a last resort.

Sam-Jack-Dunn, Yautja, 13 years ago

So you are saying that Praetorians shouldn't be 'baby queens', but a more specialized form of Xenomorph intended to protect the Queen from intrusion - a role that is more vital since they are extremely rare?

Hmmm...perhaps if an egg is laid and can't detect any other eggs in the area, it creates a superfacehugger instead of a facehugger, so that it can start a new hive if the current one is wiped out?

DeathWraith, Yautja, 13 years ago

That... sounds really good. I like the idea. But it is possible for the queen to die without laying that egg. So maybe an egg would create a superfacehugger if it doesn't detect a queen in the hivemind or something like that. So in this case the eggs would be communicating with eachother like grass does when it's cut. And so they would limit the number of super facehuggers.

Sam-Jack-Dunn, Yautja, 13 years ago

Hmm...on second thought, that sucks.

If the egg is laid, then there's a Queen laying it. Therefore, there'll be a hive soon enough, and there ALREADY IS a Queen. Unless the SuperHugger egg DOES NOT HATCH until it can't detect any friendly bugs alive, or the Queen carries the superhugger (or its egg) with her.


Eggs hibernate - we know this from the movies: the egg only lit up after Kane got close, it was all dormant-like after then.

Perhaps, if an egg, while dormant does not detect any eggs nearby for a certain period of time, then it will change the facehugger inside it to a 'super' hugger. This means a single hidden, overlooked Egg can create a new queen if a hive has been destroyed, or if a planet is already wiped and the bugs want to spread to new planets - simply sneak an egg onto a ship and wait.

This would explain the egg in Aliens 3 - when it woke up, there weren't any other eggs nearby, so it had made a superhugger when dormant. Meanwhile, the eggs in the Derelict were all normal ones, except for maybe one (perhaps the first egg a Queen lays when making a hive is always another Queen, just in case).

DeathWraith, Yautja, 13 years ago

But that would not be very efficient. The eggs would have to create a super facehugger when they don't detect a queen. You know what we have no idea? If a single egg can produce more than one facehugger. The egg we saw In Alien 3 looked like it was dying though, right? Or did it look like it was just empty?

Sam-Jack-Dunn, Yautja, 13 years ago

Hmmm...that's a concept - I remember seeing something like that in AVP: Extinc-

You know what? I'm gonna stop that train of thought right there.

YEA! An the Queen gives of pheremones, right? At least, she seems to. Maybe if an egg detects a lack of those phe-

No, wait. That doesn't work, or the hugger that got Kaine in Alien woulda been a super.

DeathWraith, Yautja, 13 years ago

I've thought of that too, you know. But actually, we don't know that there wasn't a queen on the Derelict. And as i've said, the eggs would have to limit the number of super facehuggers they make so that a bunch of queens aren't born. Maybe the egg he was the closest to just wasn't the one with the super facehugger.

Sam-Jack-Dunn, Yautja, 13 years ago

AHA! You speak words of wisdom, DW.

Which is kinda scary...

But yea, you've got a very good point there. They can't ALL be supers. Hell, you wouldn't want more than one or two. Or one.


Okay, so we have a solid theory here.

When a dormant egg cannot detect the pheremones given out by the Xenomorph Queen, one egg (usually the one in the middle, for safety reasons, but not always), will change the Facehugger inside it to become a Queen Hugger. Which obviously contains a Queen Embryo.


Maybe there ARE more than one superhugger, but if they detect Queen Pheremones again (aka, one's hatched), then they don't morph back to huggers, but simply delete the breeding and command part of the Queen's genetic code from the embryo.

Now, you have stronger, bigger aliens that look like queens, but don't breed and can be commanded by the Queen in the way she controls drones.

DeathWraith, Yautja, 13 years ago

That also sounds pretty good. And i would be willing to accept the queen molding theory if the Praetorians were the result of extra super facehuggers and started out as asexual, but then turned into a queen to save time. So in stead of having to wait for a new host while there are only drones, warriors and Praetorians, one of them would enter an evolution stage and become the new Queen. I like this idea, it makes super facehuggers easier to support, it keeps Praetorians as guards and not mini-queens and it makes the hive system more efficient.

Sam-Jack-Dunn, Yautja, 13 years ago


By golly, I think we have it.

Or the praetorians ARE mini-queens, but the queen's pheremones suppress the final stage of their growth - that of their own pheremones and reproductive systems. Should a Queen die, her praetorians would either:

a) fight to the deth to decide who is top bug, then start laying.

b) split up, GTFO, only start moulting when no other praetorians are nearby.

So, this'd basically mean that:

If the superhuggers aint hatched when the queen dies (Aliens), then it'd go straight to a Queen.

If the queen is alive when the hatch, they become praetorians until she dies / is captured. THEN AND ONLY THEN do we get Queen Moulty.

DeathWraith, Yautja, 13 years ago

Except for option a) and the Praetorians being mini-queens, that is exactly what i was saying and i very much like the idea. I still prefer everything but the Queen to be without gender, it makes them seem more... alien.

Sam-Jack-Dunn, Yautja, 13 years ago

Of course - they'd only get gender after the queen dies - her pheremones would suppress the production of any gender-based organs.

I think we've got some solid gold here.