Is this true to Predator canon

tashux22, Undefined, 14 years ago

The movies "Predator 2" and "AVP" portray Elder Predators as older more experienced hunters, even though we do not see them fight on screen, we know they are indeed veteran hunters.

DeathWraith, Undefined, 14 years ago

You're asking if something from the movies is true to the canon of a series where the movies set the canon?

predator428, Undefined, 14 years ago

How exactly are those predators depicted as being experienced hunters? Just because they look old and have a bunch of trinkets?

Deathdrop, Undefined, 14 years ago

It's pretty hard to debate the elders when they were shown on-screen. If they're supposed to be the leaders of a warrior culture, doesn't it follow that they'd be really good warriors?

predator428, Undefined, 14 years ago

How do we even know that they are leaders? Maybe they just enjoy wearing fancy clothing and giving out gifts to people with a fighting spirit.

Let's just assume that they are a group of super warriors leading the rest of the predators because that makes for more interesting RPGs.