A freh start

lilwreker, Xenomorph, 15 years ago

hi it me i just whant to say that i wont to have a fresh start with u all.

DeathWraith, Xenomorph, 15 years ago


Making a spam thread is not fresh.

xeno_slayer, Xenomorph, 15 years ago

dude, here's a tip. Start spelling your words correctly.

-Bloo-, Xenomorph, 15 years ago

Hey, give him a break guys, believe it or not, the great Bloo had terrible grammar when he first joined.



alien-drone, Xenomorph, 15 years ago

he isnt that bad

-Bloo-, Xenomorph, 15 years ago

Exactly. At least he isn't a certain illiterate clan-jumping kid who everyone tried knocking some sense into a year ago.

I'm pretty sure everyone, especially the Shadow Serpents, remembers who that was. Dark moment in SS history...

EDIT: I just remembered. His name was Shadow Warrior. I felt sorry for him but he had it coming.

Anyway, Lilwreck, I'm glad you're willing to change for the better, that's a great start towards something that'll only go up from here.

Voltage-3000, Xenomorph, 15 years ago

you guys wanna know bad gramamer i could be typing and wouldnt know


DeathWraith, Xenomorph, 15 years ago

Actually i did see the gramamer, Voltage >.>

And Bloo, the "Exactly" is invalid, because alien-drone is just as bad as lilwrekER. :3

But seriously, if he (if he really is a person and not an alt of some epic troll) wanted a fresh start, he shouldn't have started by continuing his reign of spam, but by putting that energy into more interesting posts, because i know from my own experience that there will be a time when he will start spamming again anyway. But until then he must earn some respect/fear/confusion.

Oh also, Bloo, your sig doesn't work, check if it's still where you put it.

Voltage-3000, Xenomorph, 15 years ago

you know man you need to switch off.

DeathWraith, Xenomorph, 15 years ago

You need to stop telling me to switch off because it's obviously only making it worse >.>

shadowatching, Xenomorph, 15 years ago

I think its his way of saying "SHHHHH"


-Bloo-, Xenomorph, 15 years ago

Nah it's alright, I'm going to make a new sig when my laptop arrives in the mail. Should only be a few days now.

So we all agree that the spam ends from this point on? Alright then.

PREDATORv2, Xenomorph, 15 years ago

"Hey, give him a break guys, believe it or not, the great Bloo had terrible grammar when he first joined."

Yeah, none of us are perfect spellers, Lilwrek do what I do: use google as your spell check. I'm glad to hear that you plan to stick around this place.