RPG Question.

donut, Xenomorph, 15 years ago

Something I've wondered about.. What can and can't kill a xeno? For example, bloodloss: does that really affect them? According to the games and movies, they can get limbs blown off (or get blasted in half) and keep going for you whereas anything else would die. Blowing up a xeno will obviously kill them, but mortal wounds and such, what counts and what doesn't?

xeno_slayer, Xenomorph, 15 years ago

Well I would say that if you get say your arm cut off in the rpgs, it wont kill you but you should have it limit you to a certain degree.

liek you cant keep going at your full strength if your missing an arm and half your blood.

-Bloo-, Xenomorph, 15 years ago

You can be a kamikaze and throw yourself at an enemy for a final post. Not sure how much good it would do if you miss, though...