Congratulations, PredatorV2

Sam-Jack-Dunn, Human, 15 years ago

I just wanted to be the first to congratulate you on your promotion to Administrator. Good work mate, you certainly earned it.

Everyone, let's give him a big hand, eh?


PREDATORv2, Human, 15 years ago

Thanks Sam-Jack-Dunn,

From the looks of it you'll have a chance to create your very own Human clan. As well as any alien or predator member who wishes to create a new clan, just follow what P said about applying it.

It's great news that P is still around! We should applaud him. Lets work together everyone and bring this site back.

Sam-Jack-Dunn, Human, 15 years ago

Let's do more than that. Let's make it the best damn site on the entire interwebz.

And yes, it looks like I will. The bad guys are so much more fun...

And, Praetorian, thanks for not leaving us! -hugs-

PREDATORv2, Human, 15 years ago

Amen to that

Sam-Jack-Dunn, Human, 15 years ago

Oh, more news. Alexandria_Rykov and the great Donut herself have also expressed interest in joining. That makes, I think, five membas! That's the minimum required from the old rules, iznt it?

DeathWraith, Human, 15 years ago

Congratulations, i know i've doubted you before, but you proved to be very good indeed, now gief Kidd mod lol. Great that we have someone to take care of this place who actually takes care of the place.

PREDATORv2, Human, 15 years ago

Thanks a lot DeathWraith,

And thanks for trying to keep the noobs in check, I know its not an easy task.

DeathWraith, Human, 15 years ago

Yea, you know you don't mean that, i just yell at them. But thanks anyway.

black_warrior, Human, 15 years ago

Ive already said it in the clanrrom but once again Congrats PRED.

And Thanks to Praetorian for coming back to fix a few things up.

Sam-Jack-Dunn, Human, 15 years ago

Yeah. AD's on the mend now, which is brilliant. Although, I would like to see Kidd as a mod. We've never had a human moderator before. Makes the site seem speciest :P

But seriously, good work V2, Congrats! Although, don't think this means I'll show ya any mercy in the RP.