Where Can I buy Alien vs Predator Primal Hunt from Austarila?

DemonKangaroo, Undefined, 15 years ago

Where Can I buy Alien vs Predator Primal Hunt from Austarila?

I have tried Ebay.com.au and have searched the net but cant find any online Austarila stores that sell this expansion pack.. Could anyone provide me with info or a link thanks.

_Zwecky_, Undefined, 15 years ago

Try either at Electronics Boutique (EB Games) or at GAME. If you can't find it in those stores (or do not have them located near you) then eBay is your next best shot.

DeathWraith, Undefined, 15 years ago

Of course you could always... not buy it... who's gonna know? OMG IM LEIK SUSH A BAD PERSON!!!!!!!

Sergeant_Gizmo, Undefined, 15 years ago

Does Primal Hunt have a MP component, if not then I would say "not buying the game" is your best option. Unless you want to spend a fortune on shipping :P

DeathWraith, Undefined, 15 years ago

MP = multiplayer or wtf?

Because if yes, then you should know only the multiplayer and the first mission with the predator are worth getting the add-on for.

Auto_Pred, Undefined, 15 years ago

AVP 2 - Gold Edition which includes both AVP2 and AVP2: Primal Hunt was on sale on Ebay.com.au not to long ago..