Post Your own Scripts thread

killswitch, Xenomorph, 15 years ago

lol so apparently we've got allot of talented "RPers" on this board. Im not saying these movies are going to happen for example alien 5 and avp3 but this thread allows you to post up your own scripts, screenplays , ideas plots and discus them.

Shoot. also... please take the time to read and appreciate the posts above you and the work other members have put in

Venom, Xenomorph, 15 years ago

I wrote this 2 years back so bear with me it might be bullshit compared to what i can write now lol.Its not entirely finished and i was going to make the film myself using stop motion and Mc farlane figures and post it on youtube. Its sort of the first quarter lol.

Alien vs Predator

The Script:

Scene 1: Opening

Space background

Fades to black

Space, a spacecraft floating

Weyland yutani vessel passes

Picks up smaller craft with tractor beam

Fades to black

Scene 2: The shuttle

Dark room, door

Door opens slowly and light seeps through

Investigator 1 steps in

Si1: lets see what we have here

Si2 walks in

Si2: probably some cargo… its been out there for years

Si1: mmm we could hope that this is our salvage but we have to follow orders

Si2: ok, we should start searching then

They look around moving a few boxes and such like.

Si1: I’m going to check for sleepers ok.

Si2: sure, go ahead I’m going to check the cargo hold anyway

Si1 goes up to a cryotube and looks through the glass and sees a sleeping man in his mid 20’s.

Si1: hey! we’ve got a live one!

Si2 approaches and says : well there goes our salvage..

Si1 press a button near the cyrotube and it opens

Fades to black

A NEONOTICS Production


A figure and stop motion picture


Alien vs. Predator


Scene 3: awakening

Med droid enters room

Med droid: sir I am feeling strong and fast passed brain patterns…? Are you waking up?

John o’ Brian wakes up… lying on a white bed

Jo’b: of course I’m waking up… argghh where am I?

Med droid: you are in med lab 7 on weyland yutani research station 3905

Jo’b: ok… but… argghh never mind, can I see a doctor?

Med droid: I am a doctor?

Jo’b: you know what I mean!

Med droid: yes sir doctor hemonex will be on his way.

Droid leaves room

Jo’b closes his eyes and falls back to sleep.

Scene 4: flash-back

A voice over to Jo’b running down a dark hall

Voice over: There’s no stopping of what can’t be stopped… there’s no killing of what can’t be killed

Flashes of pictures in his mind

A woman

Alien egg

A dark hall

Clicking sound... namely a predator


Alien schreeches

A predator

A gun sound

The pictures flash a lot faster now

Face hugger
Dead bodies
A predator with no mask
A jungle
A queen alien
A dark hall
Doors open with a predator standing there with the three dots a blazing.

Its slowly blacks out with a woman screaming.

Scene 5: Dr Hemonex

A sound of a door opening awakes Jo’b

Dr hemonex walks in

Dr hemonex: welcome to our facility john. I’m Ben hemonex but most people around here just call me Dr hemonex.

John: am I sick?

Dr hemonex: no you’re just fine in fact all you need was a bit more rest after the 14 years you were out there.

John: what? I… was out there for 14 years!

Dr hemonex: I know this may seem a shock to you but you had to know the truth as soon as you woke up.

John: my god….

He pauses and looks at dr Hemonex

John: hows my condition… can I leave?

Dr Hemonex: your condition is fine. You can leave the med lab whenever you want.

John: really… do you have a target practise area?

Dr hemonex: well maybe after you have un packed your things and have gotten used to the place a bit. I suppose there’s no harm in using it as you are a marine…ok…

John: thank you.

Dr hemonex: your things are in Dorm 37839, the droid will take you there.

John: ok

He walks of being escorted by the droid.

Scene 6: The specimens part 1

Camera pans across a lab with containment cells. Each one holding a predator

Pod1: Masked predator / name: Blade

Pod 2: mask less Pred / name: Black warrior

Pod 3: mask less predator / name: Red eye

Pod 4: masked/less Pred / name: swift spear

Pod 5 : masked predator / name: Scar-Face

There is a dissection table with a dead elder on it.

Scientists are in the room.

S1: when shall we start procedures?

S2: in 2 and a half hours

S1: which pod?

S2: pod 2 is interesting.

S1: so pod 2?
S2: yes

S1: ok I’ll be back at 4 ok

S2: wait! Make sure the marine does not find out that we have predators here or…The others. Do you understand?

S1: ok I’ll make sure of it.

Fades to black.

Scene 7: Dorm 37839

John walks in the room and collapses on his bed.

John: ( yawns) I should take a quick nap before I go to the weapons department.

John closes his eyes

He begins to have the flash back but in a faster pace.

And he wakes up.

John: why am I here..

He gets up and goes on the computer

Weyland Yutani Corporation

Accessing files….

Loading ect. Finds were to go for weapons department .
Scene 8: the specimens part 2

Dr hemonex walks in a room with 3 cells in it.

He approaches cell one and looks through the observation window.

Alien runner drops from the roof and pounds the observation window with its inner jaw.

Dr hemonex is startled and jumps backward.

Dr hemonex: you dirty little bugger

He goes to cell two and looks through the observation window

A Pred-alien screeches at the Dr and walks up to the window and stares at him.

Moves to cell three and observes a lab enhanced warrior.

Dr hemonex: ha the revolution in the bio weapons division is here soon those creatures will become insignificant compared to you.

He sits down and goes on his computer

---Classified, requesting clearance---- ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ****Paswords accepted**** ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ **--Loading File--** ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ====File Loaded==== ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Class three threat Species: Xenomorph
Name: Drenton
Nicknames: Drooler, Slime-Face and Poison Claw.
Age: Unknown, estimated to be fifty-two years old
Blood type: Unknown, highly acidic
Height: 6.7ft
Weight: 190 lb
Intelligence: Abnormally high for a Xenomorph
Known Roles: Host gatherer, Scout and Warrior Rank:
Beginner Original Hive: Acheron. Separated from his hive, and sent to Kfrinztie.
Status: Terminate on sight, If escaped….

Specimen 7 successful…
Enhancement complete, now 2 times more intelligent…
Specimen 1 is breeding well… If escaped do not terminate… capture.

Scene 9: Shooting Practice

Jo’b walks down a corridor and approaches a door. There is an access panel with a scanner on it.

Machine: Identification please…

Jo’b then puts his hand in it with his I.D code on his wrist I.D.

Machine: Thank you, Corporal John o’Brian… have a nice day….

Doors then open, Jo’b walks in the room

Walks towards gun rack and takes pulse rifle.

Jo’b: ok… lets see what this baby can do

Jo’b presses buttons on control panel.
Machine: practice will begin in….5….4….3….2….1 fire!

Jo’b begins to shoot the targets that begin to fling up in front of him hitting most of them in heart area or head.

Machine: well done you have successfully shot all the targets… round 2….moving targets….. begins in….. 5…..4…..3…..2…1, fire!

Jo’b reloads and begins to fire at the moving targets, he is having good fun with this….

Scene 10: Out break!

S1 and S2 are in Med lab, they are about to research and analyse a predator from pod 2, black warrior.

The 2 scientists are next to each other the one behind the other is an assistant. They are standing next to a table with a predator on it.

They take of his bio helm

Assistant: He’s one ugly piece of shit… anyway how long do we have to remove its armour

Scientist: About an hour or two, the drugs we used make his brain patterns stimulate faster like he’s having a dream… it’s the only way we can remove the armour and gauntlets as its seems that they can only be removed if they are awake the bearer is awake.

Assistant: well they are smart buggers aren’t they

Scientist: yes they are it as seems that they would rather die than have there weapons removed from them, well at least from there free will.

Assistant: how many mills of that stuff did I need to pump through him, im just wondering if I did It right?â€Â

Scientist: you needed about 5mls of it, its pretty strong stuff.

Assistant: what happens if overdosed? Sir…….

Scientist: well he would wake up and be quite active plus the fact if he does wake up on an over dose he will be high, why? Did you?

Assistant: i thought it wasn’t that strong I used about 15mls!â€Â

Scientist: ok then get the…

The scenes view changes and you can see through the predators eyes, it is quite blurred and in a spectrum of colours. You can see the scientist and the assistant walks from view.

Scientist: arghh!

A splattering sound.

Assistant turns the see the predator standing and holding a very dead scientist..

Assistant: shit!..

He immediately runs to the door but its to late and the predator has him in his grasp.

Predators view… strangles the assistant.

Back to normal view. Predator drops assistant and strides towards his bio helm and places it on.

He scans around
And sees a door he enters through there and sees the generator for sector A to E. Cunningly he steps backwards a lobs a smart disc at it breaking the power device.

Then he enters back into the lab room and the pods open up one by oneand the lights flicker off, fades to black with clicking sounds in the background.

Scene 11: Prepare for war…

Jo’b walks over to the gun rack and yawns, and places the MA47 pulse rifle in the rack.

Then he walks over to a chair and sits down

He lays there with his head leaning back against the wall (30 secs pass)

Then suddenly the lights start to flicker and then they turn off..

Jo’b: What the Fuck just happened?

He turns on his shoulder torch. And gets up from his seat.

Then he picks up a transmission on his head gear thingy.

Transmission: if anyone can hear this… there’s been a major breakout in the A to E sector… These both contain what we call xenomorph’s and predators…. They are deadly and aggressive organisms and must be avoided at all costs to ensure survival…. And please anyone with a pulse rifle, get out there and eliminate the threat.

Jo’b: well great… I’ve found a new job

He goes toward the pulse rifle rack and pulls one out then he moves to ward a cupboard and takes out a motion tracker.

Then he heads towards a door and opens it, (fades to black).

Scene 12: Xenomorph’s can’t be contained

A scientist runs down a hall wall with two others behind him.

As he goes over a grill it collapses because an xenomorph broke the grill, he is pull down there and you hear his scream…

The camera pans to the other scientist who avoids the grill and turns to his right but is pulled into an airvent

The last scientist evades the grill and keeps to wall not near the airvent as he comes to the hallways door it is blocked..

A xenomorph in a crouched position is there and slowly rises up and pounces on him.

You hear a very short scream followed by a splatter as it fades to dark.

FireHunter, Xenomorph, 15 years ago

wow, i was thinking maybe we could use one of the RPGs.
Or make a new one especially for a script.

The-Wolf, Xenomorph, 15 years ago

I'm working on my own Predator3 story right now but I'm not nearly finished. I've only got one important scene down.

killswitch, Xenomorph, 15 years ago

lol RPGs are for children with no lives. anyway, im working on some screenplays, but nothing avp related or indeed horror related.... bloodthirsty kids like you guys wouldnt be interested.

Hopefully il have somthing up soon... look foward to reading Corys stuff

The-Wolf, Xenomorph, 15 years ago

Thanks man, if you want to read what i've so far ask me. I'm still interested in writting with you like we discussed before. We could come up with a badass AvP story sense your a hardcore Alien fan and I'm a hardcore Predator fan. It could be fair as hell and very damn good!

killswitch, Xenomorph, 15 years ago

its definitely worth a though provided it dosent end up as some RPG on a watered down fan site.

The-Wolf, Xenomorph, 15 years ago

No, not at all. It will be something real. With the stuff these movies were made out of.

killswitch, Xenomorph, 15 years ago

great then, summer is approaching so il have time for this stuff again. well see what happens

I actually like the ideas for predator 3 and alien 5 also. So next time your on, will you either mail me what youve got so far (Predator 3) or post it up here, thanks