What Alien/Predator Crossover would YOU like to see?

Drakel, Undefined, 15 years ago

There have been alot of, sometimes odd, crossovers between the aliens/predators and another popular cult icon including superman, batman, Judge Dredd and many more.

But what would YOU like to see battle one of the galaxies greatest villains?

I would like something similar to DooM VS Alien or maybe something wacky like Matrix VS Predator.

Kirby-Cage, Undefined, 15 years ago

did u read the rules?we dont useally let cross over topics on this site im no mod but i thought id let u know

DeathWraith, Undefined, 15 years ago

But there was also a rule against My Skull and Free Chat topics ;). Anyway, most of us here wouldn't like to see any crossover, some of us wish that even AvP remained just a game, but sadly, it didn't happen.

FireHunter, Undefined, 15 years ago

Doom vs. Predator vs. Aliens. that's what i'd like to see

-Bloo-, Undefined, 15 years ago

I'd like to see something that involves an entirely new creature that is as creative, original and creepy as the Alien and Predator.

But since the impossible isn't possible, I might as well just go for fan videos of Alien Vs Predator Vs whatever on Youtube...

devilpredator88, Undefined, 15 years ago

aliens vs. predator vs. mortal kombat, robocop vs. alien vs. predator vs. terminator, or aliens vs. the crow

DeathWraith, Undefined, 15 years ago

Aliens vs The Crow...? Seriously? That would be lame! I mean... how the hell can it be about aliens and... what, you wanna see the guy ninja an alien's ass, then get splashed wit acid, get melted and... what? What the hell do you expect from suc a movie...? I mean really, tell me what you would expect!

Deathdrop, Undefined, 15 years ago

Predator vs. Raoul Duke!

It could be set in the 70's with a Predator hunting an offshoot of the Manson Family in the desert, only to cross paths with the a certain Red Shark...

It could have Dr. Gonzo stealing the medi-kit to get high on the chemicals, action scenes set to the Rolling Stones, guns and explosions out the ass, and a final battle in Las Vegas!

Stupid, but strangely awesome... Or just stupid. Your call.

-Bloo-, Undefined, 15 years ago

You know what? Rocky Vs Predator. I don't care what you think. Rocky. Versus. Predator. . .

. . .

Xenophile, Undefined, 15 years ago

There is only one Uber Scifi monster that really deserves to stand anywhere NEAR the Yautja, other than the Kainde Ahmeda, and that is.

The Thing.

No not the one from fantastic four silly, the other one. The shape changing one from the movie set in antartica, y'know? Now THAT is something that could take on the Yautja and Xenomorphs and stand a fair chance!

DeathWraith, Undefined, 15 years ago

Oh yeah, the thing! Yea, really, that's a crossover that i'd like to see too! Uh-huh! There's your third briliantly ultra-magic-super-fantastic-thingy creature! The thing is indeed a masterpiece, i would really like to see what would become of a meeting between that and a hive of aliens, i wonder if it could really assimilate the aliens like it did humans. And i wonder wat preds would make of it... Shit, great idea, Xenomorphs, Yautja, things... hmmm does it have a name, btw? I'm tempted to call it "La Cosa" lol.

vevlaa, Undefined, 15 years ago

La Costa Lol

But perhaps a huge spider???
imagine a deadlier creature :P

Karxav-Niveu, Undefined, 15 years ago

I Agree with -bloo maybe we can bribe H.R. Giger for something new and creepy. Or just take new renditions from the artwork.

-Bloo-, Undefined, 15 years ago

Jesus, when I read "I agree with -Bloo" I thought you were talking about Rocky x Predator. But yeah, a new creature would be great.

The Thing, I don't really want to see it fighting Predators or Aliens... just humans.

A fight I want to see though is between a Queen Mother and a new Elder.

Venom, Undefined, 15 years ago

If Giger were to design a new creature it would be sexual based..i can assure you that. Just look at his artwork.

Buggles-The-Xeno, Undefined, 15 years ago

The thing! Gawd damn, that'd be a fight to see! Problem is you wouldn't know if what youre fighting is really a Xeno, a Pred or a Thing in disguize!

Its funny because they're all really insane on Stealth! The Xeno is damned sneaky, we all know that. The pred can walk around and still not be seen, and you have no idea if your best mate is a Thing!

Still, I wouldn't mind seeing the clown from Stephen King's IT go against the Pred and the Xenomorph. Man, THAT would be a fight to see!

Xenophile, Undefined, 15 years ago

Glad you agree Deathwraith the thing kicks ass. Hey I wonder if someday the mods will let us make an rpg like that? AvPvT yknnow you wanna try it.

devilpredator88, Undefined, 15 years ago

hey death wraith, the crow is immortal. he stands a really good chance against the aliens(unless that crow gets killed).


DeathWraith, Undefined, 15 years ago

no, he doesn't stand a chance against an alien, he's immortal so he can get headbitten as many times as the alien likes, but what's he gonna do, punch it down like Wolf did? he could also get facehugged forever... it'd eiter be a silly movie about a guy and an alien fighting forever or until the alien dies of old age, or a silly movie about an immortal guy shooting all the aliens...

and no, i wouldn't like to try an AvPvT rpg, we know almost nothing about the thing, which is not enaugh to make a characterout of it and mimic it's thoughts, if it has any.

xenotaris, Undefined, 15 years ago

Alien vs Predator vs Eureka 7 vs Terminator vs Evangelion vs resident evil vs starwars vs startrek vs gundam vs stargate sg-1 vs stargate atlantis vs battlestar galactica. My bet on the Aliens, Predator, Evangelion, terminator, and darth vader

predalienking, Undefined, 15 years ago

This is weird but id like to see

Alien vs Predator vs Barbie universe

love to see ken being skinned and barbie running like crazy using "Happy guns" to try to save there assses