alien ressurection???

ash, Xenomorph, 16 years ago

I watched this again the other day and when riply falls down and is having "fun" with an alien that was just a normal alien warrior but then she wakes up and the queen gives birth to the newborn right. I dont get how that works out as riply was with a alien warrior not the queen, then it killed the queen which actually gave birth to it, what was the deal with that? and it followed riply like she was its mother yet riply was running for her life lol as if being chased.

Discuss =]

Karo, Xenomorph, 16 years ago

I'm not sure that alien warrior had much to do with anything, I always understood the reason for that crossbred newborn to be the genetic crossing that occurred between the queen and Ripley when they where cloned inside the same body before being separated.

Although I'm not about to say that makes a lot more sense or is less confusing. I like that movie, honestly lol but I know the story is a little wacky.

alien-drone, Xenomorph, 16 years ago

i like the movie to but the reason why the newborn killed the queen is because ripley is its true mother but was born inside the queen.the queen is sort of a foster parent and not its true mom

predator_1, Xenomorph, 16 years ago

Why was Ripley know....enjoyed that alien. I only saw alien 3 and 4 and AVP. I cant watch R movies. Only on tv.
And why doese her blood burn the door.

alien-drone, Xenomorph, 16 years ago

because she has inheritted certain qualitys of the alien she obtained its acid blood and speed and strength

ash, Xenomorph, 16 years ago

hmmmmmm it sort of answers my question, i did like the film but when she was having fun with that alien which was totally random then if u dont know why it was there in the film, and its news to me the queen is a clone of the queen in riply.

johnconnor, Xenomorph, 16 years ago

The movies just eye candy watch it with the pure intent of being entertained just dont expect to understand whats actually goin on

PREDATORv2, Xenomorph, 16 years ago

The reason the newborn kills the queen and loves Ripley is the same reason Ripley gets all "happy" when shes with the alien drone, its because they all share the same DNA, if you remember in the beginning of the film they cloned the queen from Ripley, thus all the aliens share some DNA with Ripley, I guess for Ripley it was like being with her family again. The newborn shared more DNA with Ripley then the other aliens, thats why it thinks of her more as its true mother.

It all stims from a crazy frenchmen.

Namicole, Xenomorph, 16 years ago

why was she running from it though?

PREDATORv2, Xenomorph, 16 years ago

Ripley ran from the newborn, because shes part human, and her human part was majorly freaked out. lol

ash, Xenomorph, 16 years ago

lol thanks for that mate i still don't understand much but nevermind lol