Random AvP story with some random title

DeathWraith, Xenomorph, 16 years ago

A sound...


Again that sound... It sounds like footsteps... But rare footsteps... Why are they rare...? What has such rare footsteps...?
...but wait!
Footsteps... that means that something is close! Maybe another one... That means...
Yes... it`s not the footsteps that are rare... it`s the thoughts. Yes.
The time for sleeping is over. Something`s here.

The Wraith moved. He could hear the footsteps. And the heartbeat. The heartbeat was different from that of a hunter. And the pheromones. They were different too. The Wraith realised that this was no hunter. Then what was it? The footsteps meant that it walked on two legs. And since it had opened the doors it had to be intelligent. He descended a bit to get a better impression of the creature that was walking right below him. It was like the hunters, but smaller. It looked more fragile. He let the creature through this time, but not for long, he thought.
The Wraith started to move slowly to the next opening in the vents. He had to kill this creature. As he moved he observed the creature through the floor of the vents. It was holding an electrical device in it`s hand, to which he kept speaking perhaps. Certainly it was a comunication device. Which meant that the creature was a scout and more creatures were outside.

Indeed outside there were more.
The being inside the crashed spaceship had been sleeping there for the last 22 years. And for the last 22 years the humans had been fighting the plague that had come with the spaceship. A plague... A force so incredible... Every death meant the birth of another one of those creatures. Men... women... children... even pets... Whole cities wiped out within hours... That was the force with which the aliens struck. But the situation was eventually contained. A great electrical wall was layed around the area that the aliens had marked as their territory, blocking everything 300 meters above and 500 meters below the ground. It had originally been designed for other military purposes, but in the end it managed to delay the complete eradication of the human species.
After that, a few bombs were enaugh to clear the surface and chase the aliens underground, and a number of elite veteran marine squads were sent in along with scientists to recuperate whatever intelligence or technology they could from the crashed spaceship. Just like an anti-venom is based on the venom itself, so it was hoped that the solution to this plague would lay within the ship that had started it. They were sent in heavily armed and armored...
But they met no hostility. None of the creatures was encountered... They got to the crashsite without any problems.

No hostility... Because the queen knew what they would find in that ship. And she knew that it would free her from containment... as it had done before...


Ok so this is my introduction to the upcoming story that i will probably neglect as much as possible. I personally find it pretty dull, especially the ending which has been rewritten right now, when i`m tired and can`t concentrate. Now as always i don`t care what you think as long as you are not my wife, which brings up an inconfortable situation since i don`t care what Predess thinks either. But anyway, this is just the introduction, i will be needing at least a human general for the next bunch of stuff i write and i will need a solid background if you`re gonna throw characters at me. If not, then i will make the characters myself, in which case the dialogues will be horrible, cos i`m really bad with molding characters unless they are very powerful, old, have three personalities and consider animals superior to humans. By the time i`m finished writing this, my internt connection will stop me from posting it, unless i use reverse psychology on it. If you see this topic, then it worked. Thank you for your attention and remember, i`m only doing this because i`m bored and tired and can`t concentrate on what i`m doing.

Leandros8, Xenomorph, 16 years ago

not bad,exept wraith knew a bit too much abaut human technology and tactics and stuff.how did it know it was a communication device,how did it know he was a scout and how did he know there were more outside.aliens don't know this much abaut human military,or humans at all for that matter.

DeathWraith, Xenomorph, 16 years ago

He knew because, unlike you, he is not 11 years old. Have you even read the Wraith`s description-like-thingy? Oh, and he also knew because he`s smart. I also mentioned that the guy kept speaking to the device, and since electrical devices that people speak to are usually communication devices, i say it`s pretty easy to assume that an electrical device that someone speaks to is a communication device. Also, he didn`t KNOW he was a scout, he just assumed that. Meh... why am i even explaning...?

Here`s the Wraith`s description-like-thingy for those who wanna comment further in which case i will answer from vainity: http://www.alienvspredator2.com/forum/4138-180.html

Namicole, Xenomorph, 16 years ago

and you had to insult him WHY?

predator428, Xenomorph, 16 years ago

I don't think you should have unveiled so much of the plot so early but it is well written.

DeathWraith, Xenomorph, 16 years ago

Huh? What plot? I don`t have a plot yet. The plot has yet to come. I have an idea for the first scene-like-thingy of the first chapter-like-hingy, which i will never finish. But thanks!