smart or stupid

voodoopred, Undefined, 16 years ago

are aliens smart but rely on there instinks or are they just mindless monsters

Kidd, Undefined, 16 years ago

Nothing is stupid. They think and act like everything else. The only mindless creatures that I know of, are Zombies. Why? They're dead, they just want to feed on the living.

Xenomorphs, they may be weapons, atleast they can think and act in the best effective way to bring their victims into the hive alive, to become another warrior.

voodoopred, Undefined, 16 years ago

your probably right PS: your in a clan arn't we allowd to talk off topic.

DeathWraith, Undefined, 16 years ago

Aliens are smart damn you (in a good way)!!!! Ok, gotta sleep now, someone will tell you more, but they`ll probably get it wrong if they`re not alien fans or mods hehe. Anyway, the movies show that aliens have a strange way of thinking, but they are very intelligent even so.

EDIT: In a clan you`re allowed to do whatever the leader or subleader allow you to do, it`s a whole different thing.

Saint, Undefined, 16 years ago

Aliens by no means are stupid. They are simply of a different kind of intelligence. Basically they are killing machines, therefore they evolved in a way to support that, so they became more prone as suvivor and hunters. They know how to manipulate others technology but not use it. They learn things quickly about things around them. Type in "xenomorph" at

Namicole, Undefined, 16 years ago

i think that there smart in there owne way and stupid in there own way. same with humans were stupid in a way and smart in a way same for yautja

-Bloo-, Undefined, 16 years ago

Just because they seem like mindless monsters doesn't mean they are mindless monsters. They aren't stupid, either. They're quick learners, they adapt to thei enviroments easily, and have a complex system working.

That's far from what I'd call stupid.