alien king.

tropic, Undefined, 16 years ago

ok im not as well versed as some of you in the alien universe,so it would be nice for one of the big cheeses on here (dave,stalker or otang)to maybe post a little bit of info on the BIG im not into aliens as much as i am predator,any info would be great guys.what would be his purpose and what kind of existence would he have.i know dave suggested that it's better not to try and look into it so much but it seems a little bit illogical that there is a queen but no king.


thanks guys.

daveberg, Undefined, 16 years ago

I'm a little hazy on the backstory of the Xenomorph king.

It has been widely speculated that this ultimate Alien, exists in the deepest recesses of the Xenomorph homelands. The largest and most ferocious of its species, the King Alien tolerates not even its own kind.

Casting my mind back to the late 90's, i vaguely remember something about the King Xenomorph in one of the comic/book continuities, but from what i recall, it was an almost synthetic creation, something constructed in a lab used to battle against the actual Aliens themselves, that is, unless i am getting confused with another story.

I'd say ask Killswitch, he's a follower of the comics, he might have more insight on this.

x_saysell, Undefined, 16 years ago

Dave u are rite with the comic part it was used to kill the Xeno hive on earth but it crashed through the wall keepin the Xenos at bay and almost leading to the desamation of earth... but it was shortly taken down by the queen of the main earth hive to sybolize that there already was a "perfect" alien.

xeno_slayer, Undefined, 16 years ago

there was also a shitty toy...
just fyi lol

tropic, Undefined, 16 years ago

back on topic guys please.

xeno_slayer, Undefined, 16 years ago

soryy harrigan :(

no i don think theres an alien king in the real continuity of the series. i think if ther was it would be a big mistake. it would take away from the shock of there being a queen in the first place.

i think there might be some xenos that we are not aware of yet but i doubt theres a king.

tropic, Undefined, 16 years ago

well no one expected a queen in aliens(i know i didnt)when they first saw the film.

daveberg, Undefined, 16 years ago

It all depends on how far they are willing to push the boundaries, and how broad they are willing to make their target audiences.

If they wish to open it up to a wider range of age groups then you can bet your grans dentures that we'll see all kinds of ridiculous creatures hitting the silver screen in sequels to come.

tropic, Undefined, 16 years ago

i dont want to see any mad creatures.just maybe a little expansion on the alien side of you have said many times about the alien3 extended cut,there are differences between the dog and the ox.

xeno_slayer, Undefined, 16 years ago

exactly harrigan no one expected the queen. but know with the addition of the pred into the franchise along with the predalien. the wow factor of adding the king would be gone.
unless they did it really well (and i mean really really well)

Ace, Undefined, 16 years ago



tropic, Undefined, 16 years ago

agreed ,if it was to be done it would have to be up to the standard of the queen in aliens.still,its good to have a decent discussion on here for a change.nice one fellas,keep it going.

xeno_slayer, Undefined, 16 years ago

yeah its great to have a discussion finally lol

(and ace beat this)


daveberg, Undefined, 16 years ago

Now that's what i mean by taking things to the extreme. The portrayal of a king alien would have to be spot on, nothing half baked like the dreadful new born from Alien:Resurrection. Something truly menacing, even more intimidating than the queen herself.

-Bloo-, Undefined, 16 years ago

I believe Alien Kings to be the Elite of the Xenomorph kind, truly the personification of horror, terror, death and what makes dirges look like Barney songs. Nothing too extreme enough that it passes onto the hell bounderies, but enough that it passes that of even a Queen.

My idea of them is basically a part of the cycle that has gotten long lost, only surviving in the true origins of the Xeno's species and being a buffed up Queen with a male gender -- naturally more aggressive and a bit more abusive towards anything it sees.

I'll have to do a sketch of this, with a size comparison to a Queen...

Saint, Undefined, 16 years ago

Actually I think it probably makes more sense that is is no king because the term "queen" is just a title for the mother alien. Most creatures that produce in mass quantities like the aliens don't need a king, seeing as how the queen can reproduce without a mate the concept of a king qould be absurd. a "king ruling with a queen" is mostly a human notion, not accepted anywhere in any animal kingdom.

excuse me for going out of the Alien/Predator universe to say my take.

Stalker, Undefined, 16 years ago

I personally see no need for a alien King in the franchise, it has already been seen that the Queen reproduces A-sexually, so there would be no real use for one to begin with.

It's an interesting idea, but one that could very well be pushed too far in the hands of the wrong director.

-Bloo-, Undefined, 16 years ago

A King can possibley fit, if done right. Although there are many facts that prove that otherwise, I don't think that a King's job would to help the Queen in producing eggs, or even produce eggs at all. It can very well just be a buffed up version of the Queen, same job as the Warrior, but only seen rarely as Warriors can do the job fine.

That might also contradict the life-cycle. Like I said, maybe it was once a regular part of the cycle, but lost somewhere in time. Larger, deadlier than Queen Mothers even. But maybe that's going too far.

Classes like the Elites of the Halo franchise, they were only called in once things got too far during situations like Sigma Octanus and the Fall of Reach, as were the SPARTANS for the same issues. But once things got too out of hand they were part of the regular army.

That would mean that the class would have to be 'resurrected' somehow.

Which brings me to what can possibly produce a King: something greater than a Superfacehugger?

Ace, Undefined, 16 years ago

The alien king if portrayed in a film could either be one of the coolest things or most disastous. it all depends if there is a good back story to the king. They say the space jockies made the aliens.
if so they kind of used what they said on the first Jurassic Park they denied the chromosome that allowed them to become male. So they were all female, but in the absence of a male some of the females turned into males inorder to reproduce. So either this happened in an allowence of one time only before the jockies lost control of the aliens, or they had already gained a king on the homeworld afterwards just because there wasnt one. It hasnt been documented in anything ive seen or read, seeing how the one in the comics was made by us and not by the aliens own genetic make-up. Ill see if i can find anything else i cant promise i can find something ill try though.
P.S. sorry about all the writing went on a brainstorm of what made sense XD

DeathWraith, Undefined, 16 years ago

I see no use for a king, i would rather have a Praetorian Guard concept thyan a king alien, because the praetorians are in the games too, but the king alien isn`t. I really don`t see how a king could fit in a hive... If the king is even violent twards it`s own kind, i see no reason for the queen to leave him alive, however, a Praetorian could be useful in seing that the queen is safely laying eggs undisturbed. In a movie, i can`t imagine how they would explain the existence of a king alien, nor how they would introduce it.

Off topic - Bloo whenever you think you have the time, take your time and look at the time... And also add me back to the clan please?

-Bloo-, Undefined, 16 years ago

Maybe it can be the idea the the Newborn was supposed to be -- a scientific mistake that doesn't dissapoint any fans. Not nessecarily part of the hive or anything else, and then that's how the violent nature of the creature would fit.

Off-topic: Sure, Death Wraith.