Some AVP Mistakes

ScarredShadow, Yautja, 16 years ago

We all know that Anderson made a lot of mistakes but one thing doesnt make any sense. When Verheiden was in the pyramid and was trapped the alien used the head bite on him which would have killed him. So then how did he become a potential host? I mean hosts have to be alive when they are facehugged. Well actually all the people in the little tunnels seemed like they would have got killed.
Grid didn't kill Chopper because of his tail. I mean when Celtic chopped half of the alien's tail off it splashed a lot of blood which seems like it would have died from like massive blood loss. Plus when they showed him again later on in the movie he had a whole tail again. Maybe its just another Anderson mistake, wouldn't be suprised.

-Bloo-, Yautja, 16 years ago

This is a guess out with any source, but maybe they have the ability to grow certain body parts back. When I say certain, I'm talking arms, legs, etc. Not their heads. That would be ridiculous.

I'm also aware that it may still be a mistake because I doubt an Alien (or anything else for that matter) has the ability to grow a full body part back in less than a few hours, which is probably the estimated time in between his fight with Celtic and when he's next seen.

Blade_Monstrona, Yautja, 16 years ago

In Alien 3 when the Chestburster was in the dead Ox I was confused. So I asked somebody, I think it was Crow or Daveberg but they did say that the host did not have to be alive, but it had to have vital organs. But that is just what they said.

ScarredShadow, Yautja, 16 years ago

Oh ok Bloo I wasn't sure with Grid because first he spashed acid then he was gone I didn't know if it was a different alien and died. When it killed celtic it had a full tail I think and I don't think an alien can grow back a tail in like five minutes. But that is just a guess.