Alien Versus Predator

MonsterOfEnergy, Undefined, 16 years ago

In your opinion, which movie was better?

K1LLA_4_H1RE, Undefined, 16 years ago

what movies?

MonsterOfEnergy, Undefined, 16 years ago

The original Alien that came out in 1979 and the first Predator movie.

City-Hunter, Undefined, 16 years ago

Predator. It was alot more amusing in my eyes. More action packed. The anticiapation of waitng for the Predator to reveal itself was great. I just think it was a better movie all the way around.

K1LLA_4_H1RE, Undefined, 16 years ago


MonsterOfEnergy, Undefined, 16 years ago

The original Alien that came out in 1979 and the first Predator movie.

MonsterOfEnergy, Undefined, 16 years ago

I can see why you liked Predator more, but I have a deferent opinion.

I liked Alien more because it at a lot more mystery, it was darker, it was and it had less hope for the crew. This beast was scarier. The beginning showed what thousands of those things were capable of.

DeathWraith, Undefined, 16 years ago

I don`t really remember Alien right now, ain`t seen it i a year or so...

But indeed, seing the predator mostly cloaked in Predator 1 was a great side of it, and this side is bound to be missing in AvP movies, since cloaking is useless against aliens...

Anyway, xenomorphs never seemed scarry to me, just powerful, because they look like nothing you can relate to, they do nothing you can relate to, unlike the Yautja who is much like the human... ofcourse now, when you know so much about he alien and more and more as it goes, aliens are just some smart bugs...

Authority, Undefined, 16 years ago

Would have to say Predator.

Very cool waiting for him to reveal himself.

MonsterOfEnergy, Undefined, 16 years ago

You are forgetting that you waited for the Alien to reveal himself aswell, and he seemed scarier than the Yuatja, not that I'm scared of the Alien, but I'm less scared of the Yuatja.

A Yuatja tears a man's skin off and hangs him upside down, an Alien turns some people into eggs and makes others hosts to breed more Aliens. Between an Alien and a Yuatja, the Alien seems like the greater of two evils, thats mainly why I liked it Alien more than Predator.

black_warrior, Undefined, 16 years ago

Both movies are great in my opinion, and look at what each one started, two of the most memorable movie creatures in history.

I personally like Predator more than Alien. When i was young I didnt even know what the movie wass, I didnt even watch it and I wanted to buy the movie just from the look of the yautja on the box. For a first time viewer the movie keeps you guessing on what the creature is for most of the movie, and all the advanced tech and first person shots through the preds eyes are just plain awesome. Both are classic movies, but Predator just has enough to keep itself at the top for me.

daveberg, Undefined, 16 years ago

All the movies in both franchises are weak in comparison to Aliens. James Cameron delivered big time on that movie. In fact, i think I'm gonna go watch it now.

Nite everyone.

black_warrior, Undefined, 16 years ago

True Dave, but this topic i believe was talking only about the first movies of both franchises.

MonsterOfEnergy, Undefined, 16 years ago

Aliens did introduce the Queen, and showed what the Aliens were capable of. But in my opinion the Aliens did more damage in the first movie. Because in the first movie they committed genocide on the other Alien race featured. Genocide is a bigger feat than being wiped out by a nuke.

Deathdrop, Undefined, 16 years ago

I think Alien is a better movie, but I enjoy Predator more.

Lone_Hunter2, Undefined, 16 years ago

I'm gonna go with Predator, alien was good but i enjoyed predator more.

hyroglphsarenice, Undefined, 16 years ago

i got to go with alien because it still holds with one of the most iconic scenes in movie history.while most may not have experianced it, if you were in a packed movie theatre watching alien, the dinner scene would forever be etched into your mind just by the people reaction.

right when you think the guy that had been facehugged was ok, he just starts spasming, (people in the movie theatre get shifty) then the blood starts flowing (there are some yelps of fear) then finally the beast shows its head, the entire audiance erroupts, and to my laughing amazement several people leave the theatre. god i love chest bursters

to this day i have not seen a better horror movie

Stalker, Undefined, 16 years ago

Both Alien & Predator are masterpieces, but in my personal opinion Predator comes out on top. Alien had a darker & spookier set-up, with a seemingly helpless crew unknowingly venturing into dangerous territory, wheras Predator projected strength from the beginning, hard as nails commandos hunting down rebels in the jungle with a mysterious & unseen prescense constantly looming over them.

Predator in my personal opinion was also more original, never before had any creature like the yautja been seen, while this applies to Alien as well, it is to a slightly lesser extent in my opinion. For most of the movie the predator was not even seen, which in my opinion was one of its strongest points. Having a seemingly unstoppable invisible force decimating highly trained marines would be enough to send a shiver down anyone's spine, the film really hit many visceral tones, & the fact that the predator was hidden for so long made the final creature reveal that much more exciting.

As far as the cast goes, while Alien's actors definitely suited the dark & serious tone of the film, the characters from Predator were a little more likeable in my opinion, they had charisma & were all hard as nails at the same time, which was great to watch.

Overall, both movies are classics & absolute masterpieces, which I both love, but it should be quite obvious that Predator is one of my favourite films of all time, & in my opinion not even Ridley Scott's original masterpiece can stand up to it.

Aliens on the other hand is a different story, & is easily on the same tier with Predator, although I wouldn't necessarily call either one superior over the other.

black_warrior, Undefined, 16 years ago

Lets see I knew you were going to use the words Classic(s) and Masterpiece(s). lol

predator428, Undefined, 16 years ago

I really like them both but Alien had a cheesy low budget feel to it.