Guess This Character!

Unknown, Undefined, 17 years ago

Here's a fun game. This is how it's played.

(Characters from the Alien and Predator franchise of course.)

The first person gives a clue of what character they are thinking of. Everyone else can guess but only once a turn. After a few guesses, the first person can send another clue. The person to guess right makes it their turn.


Cory: "I have weird finger."

Dave: "Burt?"

Predatoress: "Chopper?"

Cory: "All wrong. Clue2, I have a tail."

Dave: "A random facehugger?"

Cory: "Correct, your turn."

Dave: "Clue 1, I am not a powerranger, who am I?"

I will go first, this one will be easy.

Luck is my specialty, who am I?

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Stalker, Undefined, 17 years ago

Jerry Lambert

...I never used to wear a tie...


Mishmuf, Undefined, 17 years ago

Uh... Dillion?
MishmufSig.jpg *sigh* If only I was witty enough to think of something to say here.

Stalker, Undefined, 17 years ago

lol, I almost got Jerry's last name mixed up with someone from a different movie.


Stalker, Undefined, 17 years ago

lol, yeah, you got that one right, but you're supposed to give a hint as to who the next character is after you answer the question.


Mishmuf, Undefined, 17 years ago

Alrighty, let's just do that now.

I was called a beautiful butterfly by a crazy scientist. Who am I?

MishmufSig.jpg *sigh* If only I was witty enough to think of something to say here.

Unknown, Undefined, 17 years ago

Note:But first u should wait till the person posts if u r correct cuz u can be wrong and go on. It keeps it more in order that way and keeps people from screwing this up.

EDIT: @ NavySpaz, No problem, dude.

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navyspaz, Undefined, 17 years ago

The Newborn

I came back for Ripley at the last moment.

EDIT: Oh sry cory, you submited right while I was typing this.


Stalker, Undefined, 17 years ago



navyspaz, Undefined, 17 years ago

correct :D


Stalker, Undefined, 17 years ago

...I remember that real number 10 night...
