What Happened to the Predator 2 Weapons?

Unknown, Undefined, 17 years ago

I don't know if you guys have noticed but in Predator 2 there are some events where the predator loses his weapons. The predator leaves behind his helmet after being blasted down by Danny Glover. Also when the predator gets pushed off the building by Glover, the predator's combi stick falls down into the alley. Also when the predator gets his hand sliced off, a piece of his gauntlet along with the severed hand falls down into the alley. When the predator uses his first aid kit he might of left it in that old lady's apartment before he busted through the door to escape from Glover. My whole point is what will happen if the government gets a hold of the predator's weapons and equipment, and also a blood sample from the severed hand.
What do you guys think will happen?


Crow, Undefined, 17 years ago

Genetic cloning, duplicated weapons, I smell a really poorly done sequel ^_^


-Bloo-, Undefined, 17 years ago

The story that happened in Predator: Concrete Jungle will most likely take place...

Do you like Peanut Butter?

Unknown, Undefined, 17 years ago

I had a topic like this before..I also wonder what happened to it..maby they will send a Predator down to retrieve it.Maby thats what Predator3 will be like.


Stalker, Undefined, 17 years ago

I'm sure that the predators have probably tamper-proofed alot of their weapons & gear in some way. In the AVP2 game, there is a report of a captured predator going into pulmonary arrest as a scientist attempted to remove his wrist-gauntlet, meaning that they would rather die than be disarmed & have their technology be captured. Although this specific info is from a game & therefore it's truthfulness is questionable. I suspect that they may have somewhat similar tamper-proofing mechanisms installed in their gear though. For instance, certain components could possibly cause fatal electric shock if tampered with incorrectly.
