black_warrior, Yautja, 18 years ago

How are babies.......I mean alien eggs made? lol

I was watching Alien last night and when I looked at the queen's eggsack it was alittle transparent. But i didnt see much inside it.

How do you think the eggs are made in the eggsack? tell opinions or scientific facts and stuff like that.

Message Board, RPG Rules & Information
"It is not the way you die that makes you a hero, it is the way you live."

Unknown, Yautja, 18 years ago

through the center of the egg sack there is a darcer broun iss china line with tendrals coming off is leading doun the egg sack to the botom of it where ther was if i remember corectly a thiker lair of sluj deep enough to conseel the eggs. i prasume the tendruplie the eggs with nurishment untill they have reached maturaty where they are then detached from the tendral and moved using internal musals to the rear of the egg sack where it is placed neatly on the ground. the tendral gose on to spawn the beginings of another egg.

atleast thats my thery baist on what i remember from the movie but i havant wached it in like 2 years lol


black_warrior, Yautja, 18 years ago

hmmm. didnt quite understand all of that but i get the picture. which movie was this on? resurrection?

Message Board, RPG Rules & Information
"It is not the way you die that makes you a hero, it is the way you live."