Any Intresting Facts About Xenomorphs or Yautja?

OTANG, Yautja, 18 years ago

based on books or other literature, does any one know any intresting facts about xenos or yautja that are not obvious. for example we all know xeno's life cycle so that's not intresting enuff, but how about yautja's birthing cycle? or do xenos kill their wounded?

donut, Yautja, 18 years ago

well in one of teh books, the queen to telepathicly communicate, she was captured so she was trying to fool teh humans into leting her go

~i draw is delicious~
~first female on teh site! w00t w00t!~

Unknown, Yautja, 18 years ago

Well i dont know if this was easy to tell or what or if many people already knew but the xeno's were based on ant's they are very simalar as with the Eggs and the Young(Facehugger's)then the Worker's(Drone's)then the Warrior's(Warrior's)and then the Queen(Queen).

OTANG, Yautja, 18 years ago

cystic warrior thanx but thats the xeno life cycle, easy enough to know, i'm talking about intresting facts. for example i didnt know the hive was shaped a certain way, i always believed it was determined by the space (area) where it is located. it was cool to find out that the 'horns' on a xeno's back are for sensory purposes. it was one of the few body parts that didnt have a purpose aside from asthetics. i have found sites for yautja like this one:
but doesnt say much about how they are born or hatched or when they walk, etc.

Ace, Yautja, 18 years ago

Xenos might be able to communicate to us telepathically. in alien3 the guy that was tied up after he opened the chamber he said what do you want me to do next. Or he was just crazy


predatoress, Yautja, 18 years ago

Read the topic "the Clans", there are plenty of info about yautjas (once I asked the same thing...).

~What the hell are you?!!~

cystic_warrior, Yautja, 18 years ago

well Xenomorphs are much like parasites they have o attach to some thing to gain life but once they pass a certain stage in their life they becaome hunters nd instead of attching to some thing as they do in the face hugger stage they become more oatherer so more xenomorphs can be born.


donut, Yautja, 18 years ago

xenomorphs- their heads are shaped like bannanas because it is easier to detect/absorb sound, this is also why the hive is shaped like it is, cause it makes it easier for sound to travel through. i also heard that the tube like thing on the top of their back was sorta a sensor, it keeps the alien from being surprised by back attacks :p

~i draw is delicious~
~first female on teh site! w00t w00t!~

donut, Yautja, 18 years ago

we never said she couldnt :o

~i draw is delicious~
~first female on teh site! w00t w00t!~

OTANG, Yautja, 18 years ago

nice, keep them coming :)

FrozenAlien, Yautja, 18 years ago

No.. all Queens can do that she does that in AVP.. the Grid and Battle Aliens didnt look to her room and go there without a reason

- AVP,Alien Vs. Predator
Yay Another Female On the Site