AVP Mistakes.

Unknown, Undefined, 18 years ago

Unfortunately I've only seen alien 1 and Pred 1

and AVP and since I hear lot's of mistakes in AVP I would like to know all of them.

So far I've only seen:

1. The human vision is originally green not red

Predators RULE!

Soldier, Undefined, 18 years ago

2. Aliens ran on all fours.

3. Chestbursters took too little time to inncubate.

4. Predators attacked humans without weapons.

Those are all I caught.

kill_the_queen, Undefined, 18 years ago

when the eggs open up and the facehugger moves inside for every egg its the same thing its jus looped.. cant find any more lol

AADecon.jpg decon demon of death wants your head.

Celtic_Warrior, Undefined, 18 years ago

prealien chestbuster had a inner jaw thing


Celtic_Warrior, Undefined, 18 years ago

also, when miller was all cacooned in the hive, he looked at, the one with the scar on his cheek (forgot his name) but anyway the face hugger on him wasnt breathing


Hunter_Predator, Undefined, 18 years ago

Near the beggining, one of the people with guns that was looking out for the camp site on the surface was fireing his gun in all directions, and you could clearly see him fire his bullets right through the Predator, and the Pred was perfectly, undamaged.

~~~~~HUNT THEM DOWN~~~~~