a confusion about the alien queen

royal_praetorian, Undefined, 18 years ago

ok so the queen lays the eggs wich contain huggers they plant an seed into the host and the chest burster comes out and grows into an adoult so my question is what would the queens title be?
A. your mother B.your grandmother C.your great grand mother

ether way it is giving me a head ache
must have anser


royal_praetorian, Undefined, 18 years ago

thanks you guys well i thought abouut it and i think A. i think of the hugger as something like an unbellical cord


Unknown, Undefined, 18 years ago

Ya id say A the facehugger is bassically an alien sperm. The people would be considered the eggs that are being fertilized. The egg the facehugger stays in would be more of its protection to keep it alive for a long time until a possible egg comes around.

To one that lives to prove his courage, his lack of fear, and his utmost strength, there is nothing better then the hunt!

Unknown, Undefined, 18 years ago

I says B.

the queen lays the eggs her children comes out from them and get along whit hosts and get ther own little ones! :)

predatoress, Undefined, 18 years ago

Hmm.. Interesting question. It depents how you define an individual: is the facehugger just a phase or is it a "true" offspring. I would define an adult drone as a child and then the queen would be mother. In my mind facehugger is just an agent between the mother and child... But it is just my opinnion. I'm not an expert on aliens...

To the living we owe respect. But to death we owe only the truth. -Voltaire-

Unknown, Undefined, 18 years ago

I think A.

Its time to kill!

Nick_Kang_20, Undefined, 18 years ago

Hmmm... I think I'll go with C...

The Wake Of Micheal Myers...

the_doctor, Undefined, 18 years ago

seeing A and C have been said ill go with B cos the facehugger would be A

are you predator or prey?


Jackel, Undefined, 18 years ago

It's A because the Queen lays the eggs which aren't fertilized (Facehuggers) to create an embryo the eggs need fertilizing (or in an aliens case they need a host) so once in the host the baby is born. Therefore its its mother.

caboose3456, Undefined, 18 years ago

That would make her your mother

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