Predator - Dark Jungle?!

predatoress, Undefined, 18 years ago

Um... I was surfing on the net and I found this...

It looks like a movie poster but I really can't connect it on any predator movie... Does anyone know what is it?

To the living we owe respect. But to death we owe only the truth. -Voltaire-

predatoress, Undefined, 18 years ago

Oh, it's a fan movie. I see... I must say that it's pretty well done. Thanks for the link, Celtic. I owe u one.

There's another fan film too, Predator - Hunter's match. It's astonishing what u can create with pure imagination... Cheers for these guys who have dared to shoot their own predator films.

To the living we owe respect. But to death we owe only the truth. -Voltaire-

xeno_slayer, Undefined, 18 years ago

ha ha ha its alright i guess

predatoress, Undefined, 18 years ago

So it's a real movie or something?

To the living we owe respect. But to death we owe only the truth. -Voltaire-

celtic102, Undefined, 18 years ago

sorry i did searching and it was made for a movie compatition but i couldnt watch it cause i andt got quicktime

well this is the site
just keep going down until u see this pic


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celtic102, Undefined, 18 years ago

Predator Dark Jungle Predator Dark Jungle Cast List

Director: Unknown
Related Films Indie Movies

Theatre Release:
DVD Release:
Pricing Buy on Amazon

They didn't think they'd get away alive; all but one were right. After the U.S. Government got word of the survivor's story, a special forces group was sent to Colombia in hopes of finding the ultimate hunter; the Predator. Captain Reed Donaldson (Cory Bauer) and Leutenant Michael Weis (Joe Lee) keep tight-lipped about the alien hunter while Craig Friedman (Mark Marvin) and John Hastings (Rothanak Chhoun) unknowingly act as prey. If it's real, the four are extracted and replaced with a group to capture the Predator.

"No matter what happens, we get in, we get out."

"Sir, we've got ourselves a situation."

"It's Here."

That and i really think someone has just made that....

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predatoress, Undefined, 18 years ago

Here's another fan movie:

Or you'll find them all in


-The Night Blood-

Unknown, Undefined, 18 years ago

I got me a copy from the guys who made Dark Jungle, its pretty cool and funny at the same time. just a bunch of kids running around in some woods with a predator. gotta give em credit though. for a couple of teens, it's pretty good. Saddly, it doesnt look like they're gonna finish Hunter's Match, the clips ive seen looked awesome.

*evil predator laugh*