The pred language

celtic102, Yautja, 18 years ago



Bakuub - "Straight Spear"
Cetanu - God of Death
Dachande - "Different Knife"
Dahdtoudi - "Little Knife" (feminine)
Guan-thwei - Nightblood
Kainde amedha - Hard Meat (Aliens)
Lou-dte Kalei - "Child Maker" (slang for female)
Ooman - Human
Yeyinde - "Brave One"
Paya - a god, conquering warrior
Pyode amedha - Soft Meat

Technology Words

Awu'asa - full body ensemble
Gkinmara - video camera
Ki'cti-pa - double-bladed wrist knife/blades
Tyioe-ti - escape pod


C'jit! - "Damn!"
Dtai'k-dte sa-de nav'g-kon dtain'aun bpide - "The fight begun would not end until the end."
Dhi'ki-de - final rest, sleep near death,death
Hma'mi'de - unknown translation
Ki'cte! - "Enough!"
M-di H'chak/M-di H'dlak - "No mercy/No Fear"
Pauk! - expletive
Payas Leitjin-de - "Remember God's
Thin-de le'hasuan 'aloun'myin-del bpi-de gka-de hasou-de paya - "Learn the gifts of all sights, or finish in the dance of the fallen gods."
U'sl-kwe - final rest

Combat Related Words

Dtai'k-dte - fight
Hiju - fighting position, the proper position to disembowel another
Jehdin/Jehdin - hand-to-hand combat; allows
Yautja to show off their skills, first fall determining
the winner; no weapons are used; both combatants
would probably still be alive after the match.
Kainde amedha chiva - the Hard Meat Trial
Ka'rik'na - the summoning (of other Yautja)
Kehrite - battle arena/training hall/dojo
Kv'var - excercises
Mesh'in'ga - the battle dreamtime
Nain-de - type of hunt
Nain-desintje-da - The Pure Win
Nain-desintje-de -- The Pure Win (alternate spelling)
Nan De-Than Gaun - "Kiss of Midnight"
Tarei hsan - unworthy opponent
Zazin - totally centered, within one's self

Miscellaneous Words

Amedha - meat (see Kiande amedha / Pyode amedha)
Bpi-de - end, finish
C'ntlip - type of drink, effects like that of alcohol
Ch'hkt-a - hyper active
Chiva - trial (see Kiande amedha chiva)
Dai-shui - Yautja musk Dto - a type of tree
Gkei'moun - easy or simple
Gry'sui-bpe - stampede
Guan - night
H'chak - mercy
H'dlak - fear
Hulij-Bpe - crazy
Hult'ah - rear guard or look out, sentry, observer
Kantra - prayer
Kiande - hard (see kiande amedha)
Kwei - tricky or sly
L'ulij-bpe - Crazy
Mei'hswei - bother
Mi - oil
Mo - no
Nan-ku - alive
Naxa - type of fruit
N'dui'se - Yautja's musk
Nihkou'te - tooth or tusk
Nok - unit of measure (equivalent to 13 inches)
Pyode - soft S'yuit-de - low and demeaning description of something
Setg'-in - deadly and quick
Te'dqi - xenomorph secretion
Thei-de - death/dead/die
Thwei - blood
Tjau'ke - hard packed dirt or type of rock
Ui'stbi - geography
Zabin - type of insect
Z'skvy-de - birth of xenomorph from host, eruptive phase


Dark Warrior - Death, the persona
Path - individual yautja's course of life
The Path - course for all yautja as a whole
Burner - gun, bullets, or laser (not including shoulder-based plasma cannon)

Body Language

head cocked to one side - curiosity or regard
power mandibles spread - aggression
head and eyes lowered - submission
mandibles flared - anger
back arched and mandibles flared - rage
push with one hand at another's shoulder - Challenge
mandibles click together - regard
placing one hand on another's shoulder, and shaking - greeting

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Unknown, Yautja, 18 years ago

Who made it?

P.S dave talk to me on your random board!

Its time to kill!

Unknown, Yautja, 18 years ago

You guys just knew about that now?! really?! lol but its good you found it, I've been speaking predator for a wile lol nice to have some other people to talk too!

Elder Blade of Clan Balatu

Unknown, Yautja, 18 years ago

Where did you find that?

Its time to kill!

predatoress, Yautja, 18 years ago

Celtic - I love you;) Now I can talk pred if I meet one (and I have better chance to survive...)

But yeah, I don't know how their clicks and growls can be translated in that kind of language I can make somekind of snarls - the only problem is that I don't know what they mean...

Oh, and I would like to know what the numbers is with that same writing system - you know, when the countdown is on.

Thou who come into my way shalt die.

celtic102, Yautja, 18 years ago

Bootydaddy, Yautja, 18 years ago

looks like movie never mention if how they talk....

The master pred is back!

royal_praetorian, Yautja, 18 years ago

sweet i can talk pred without knowing what i am saying (i can get killed like that=( )


donut, Yautja, 18 years ago

i admire you knowledge of teh pred language =D

~i draw is delicious~
~first female on teh site! w00t w00t!~

xeno_slayer, Yautja, 18 years ago


predatoress, Yautja, 18 years ago

At least to me this all is new.

And I'm not sure about the vocabulary... But now I have to learn the words.

Ps. the language sound like a bit German and Russian... At least when I try to say them.

Thou who come into my way shalt die.