shockwave, Yautja, 10 years ago

if ridley scott does a sequel, i want to see **** aliens man.

-Bloo-, Yautja, 10 years ago

That's what everyone wanted 9 years ago - "no matter what, I just want some Aliens!!"

We got AVP.

PREDATORv2, Yautja, 10 years ago

And honestly the only thing that saved AVP was that fact that there were a bunch of preds in it...


My biggest hope is that the sequel is under Ridley Scott's control.

Dronehive, Yautja, 10 years ago

I expect the best out of the sequel. One reason. The Deacon.

They have the perfect opportunity to do what Aliens failed to do. Have the perfect monster. Alien had that. ALIENS wasn't bad, but it ruined the series. The original Drone? That bitch could have killed several predators. Aliens turned them into bugs. I want the Deacon to be in the movie. And I want it to be the Giger drone.

DeathWraith, Yautja, 10 years ago

I expect the sequel to be just almost as bad as Prometheus, except without a great synthetic to play the only character that even remotely resembles a human being in the whole movie.

Xenotor, Yautja, 10 years ago

I agree DeathWraith though most of my friends say that it will be good with the lack of characters. Can I have a estimated chance of a predator being in the film?.

ThePredator13, Yautja, 10 years ago

Xenotor: Probably not unless your looking for another AVP. The chances for a predator to be shown in the film is highly unlikely. I say keep it pure Prometheus/Alien gene style, no other add ins.

shockwave, Yautja, 10 years ago

What is the percentage of aliens being in the next prometheus movie(most people call it paradise). Im not sure if it is likely that its just going to be just enginears and humans or enginears, humans, and aliens.
@firehunter: sorry, i forgot about the whole "dont bring up old topics" thing.And in the "favorite xenomorph attack method topic, i was talking about the video games.

FireHunter, Yautja, 10 years ago

Honestly, there's a 0% chance of Predators and probably about maybe a 45% chance of a Xenomorph in the next one.

DarkLioness, Yautja, 10 years ago

^As it fricking SHOULD be

skull_ripper, Yautja, 10 years ago

I admit Fassbender is a great actor but he is a piece of shit in real life. Also i bet they have a regular xeno at the end, probably no preds, but maybe a tip of the hat towards them. The Deacon is probably the villainous beast terrorizing some people on a space ship, blah blah blah. I am going to watch the movie, but im going to wait for our library to have, cause i aint paying.

krio, Yautja, 10 years ago

i think shaw and david will be dead. We saw the deacon burst out of the engineer and that deacon probably killed shaw and then david.

skull_ripper, Yautja, 10 years ago

It would probably leave david alone since not only is he an android, he is but a head at the moment.

-Bloo-, Yautja, 10 years ago

He was probably the most human character in the story though, which I don't think they intended.

I still think that if they just HAVE to make a sequel (which is probably inevitable), the Shaw/David relationship has the potential to become really interesting.

Deathdrop, Yautja, 10 years ago

Also, they were leaving the planet when the Deacon erupted from the Engineer.

tawganator, Yautja, 10 years ago

It sadens me to say but I don't think we will be seeing the Deacon again if the movie follows the girl and synth (forgotten their names already, think one of them is called Shaw" which I feel has a very strong likelyhood. Unless there just so happens to be another human filled ship that just so happens to go to the planet and just so happens to come in contact with the only life form on the entire planet. Also now that i think about it. What happened to the chestbursters that wiped out the Engineer crew (I say chestbursters because the holes in the bodies were to small to have been from another human sized deacon).

I had always hoped that at the end of prometheus that one of the jockeys would carry his suply of eggs and deliver it to the predators. this was before i had ever watched the trailor or read any of the stuff about it

skull_ripper, Yautja, 10 years ago

^Yeah, that would be cool.

Also weren't there more ships in the ground in the area that could by chance have more Engineers in it?

Xenotor, Yautja, 10 years ago

I am still curious that what would happen if a Engineer was attacked by the Jockey-Xenomorph who would win and why attack.

tawganator, Yautja, 10 years ago

well generaly a xenois stronger than it's host species so in fist claw bite fight the deacon has my vote. but surely the engies do have some sort of weapons and may have had to deal with similiar cases of unwanted xeno outbreaks before. so if weapons alowed then most likely the engie.

As for why they would fight.
Deacon: food, instinct, survival, reproduction.
Engie: survival, orders, food (might be a delicasy), recreation, drunk, horny, drunk and horny.