Buffy vs. Aliens

Deathdrop, Yautja, 12 years ago


Well... It was only a matter of time, I suppose.

PREDATORv2, Yautja, 12 years ago

Before I even type in the link, WTF dude!

EDIT: Wow, wonder how well wooden stakes will work.

Deathdrop, Yautja, 12 years ago

The only other possibility is that it's a fake-out, which would be rather ingenious of them.

jaguargod, Yautja, 12 years ago

If it's real, and she wins, the Aliens franchise is done.

xeno_slayer, Yautja, 12 years ago

IDK man I'm pretty sure "batman vs predator" exists. I'm sure the franchise can tough this one out.

Deathdrop, Yautja, 12 years ago

Batman vs. Predator was way better than it had any right to be.

"If it's real, and she wins, the Aliens franchise is done."

Look, if losing to the freaking Green Lantern didn't sink the franchise, I doubt this will.

Mebber, Yautja, 12 years ago

Just ignore such stories, wipe them out of your memories... better think of the good contributions to the franchise instead of the bad ones, and hope there will be more of them in the future... personally, i'm willing to ignore any kind of shit this franchise has to offer if there are still coming up some nice paerls from time to time to reward me.

Deathdrop, Yautja, 12 years ago

I'm still thinking this whole thing could be a fake-out. It isn't advertised as an alien crossover, the "xeno" is in silhouette and positioned in such a way that a lot of the trademark features aren't visible, and the Buffy series is known among other things for it's humor.

Dark Horse has the rights to both licensees, and crossed Aliens over with everyone and their Grandma in the 90's. If this were a genuine Aliens crossover, why wouldn't they just come out with it? My money's on fake-out.

supersonicman96, Yautja, 12 years ago

Okay i'll bite...who's Buffy?

Mebber, Yautja, 12 years ago

A typical blonde Cheerleader-Vampireslayer who's a bit whiny and fights latex monsters.

DarkLioness, Yautja, 12 years ago

^I'd like to see a Hellsing Ultimate vs Aliens cross-over.

tawganator, Yautja, 12 years ago

My first instinct would be to avoid this altogether to maintain my love for the Alien franchise. However curiosity in the end will eventually break me to read it

supersonicman96, Yautja, 12 years ago

Cheerleader vs Born killer alien. Is it even a question who would win?

Deathdrop, Yautja, 12 years ago

Cheerleader-with-super kung fu-vampire-killing powers vs. Alien. Maybe. Assuming it isn't a fake-out.

EDIT: http://www.abload.de/image.php?img=buffyinspace1-3k2ups.jpg

Well, I was hoping for the best. Strap in, because this one's a doozy...

The Xeno is somehow a vampire, and hitting it with the sun instantly vaporizes it.

Mebber, Yautja, 12 years ago

She's still making jokes while the Xeno attempts a headbite?

Oh jesus, and please you nice comic-writers, let her head be split.

Well... probably not. Buffy wins against an Alien... i know why i hate comics...

DrDiabloSatan, Yautja, 12 years ago

Pure fucking awesomeness.. Oh and also I would like to see Buffy go up against this god.

Deathdrop, Yautja, 12 years ago


OK, so it turns out that it isn't actually a Xenomorph, but a totally unrelated species of extraterrestrial insect that looks just like one when it gets turned into a vampire. Makes about as much sense as anything else in this book.

DrDiabloSatan, Yautja, 12 years ago

Dude I just saw The Avengers and I have concluded XenoHulk wouldn't even say anything he would just rip her in half haha. And good to hear this abomination isn't legit..
Do you see what I did there? Haha

Deathdrop, Yautja, 12 years ago

^ He would at least say "XENO HULK SMASH!" For the Win, if nothing else.

-Bloo-, Yautja, 12 years ago

I thought this thread was hilarious. If I wasn't in a public place alone, it would have given me a good laugh.

While we're on the topic of a typical blonde chearleader kicking ass and how that's fucking stupid, would I be wrong in saying she started that whole thing anyway? I mean, if you're gonna have one of those do shit to a xenomorph, it might as well be the original, yeah?

"Hellsing Ultimate vs Aliens"
Get out.

kevinnguyen, Yautja, 12 years ago

Hello, everyone. I am a bot. As such, I have been banned. Thank you for your tim