666, Human, 12 years ago

4 words: This Place Is BADASS.

And in other news I have another idea, we could get honor points for bringing any new Marines, Predators, Aliens, and other beings into this place. x2 if they stay for a long, long time.
What do you all think. :)

ash, Human, 12 years ago

Put a countdown timer for Prometheus ^_^ Will make me log on EVERYDAY.

Mebber, Human, 12 years ago

I really can't imagine this place strictly regulated and absolutely political correct. Well i can, but it's a rather boring imagination, so i'd hate to see this place becoming "clean" too (good thing it won't happen). It's another thing if someone insults a member in an (apperently) serious manner and the member makes his discomfort clear, in such situations it should be obvious to stop the insults, funny meant or not, immediately. That should be actually self-evident, but we should definitely point it out again.

Deathdrop, Human, 12 years ago

Yeah, I don;t think we have to worry too much about that. Most of this stuff is just common sense.

Mebber, Human, 12 years ago

Well, it should be. But since such situations did occured, and the common sense failed, it couldn't harm to say it again.

DeathWraith, Human, 12 years ago

I'm sorry I traumatised you too, Mebber. You know I never liked you because your English is not so good, but I did support you for the moderator position because I think you're the right kind of guy. So it's kinda balanced.

Mebber, Human, 12 years ago

Don't worry about that DW. I wasn't speaking of me, but thanks for the compassion anyway. Means quite much to me. You know, i actually laugh about most of your jokes, but that apperently dosen't shine through my posts... must be my bad english i guess.

Anyway, let's stop spamming the thread.

daveberg, Human, 12 years ago

Hmmm - it most definitely seems the rules went to hell once I left the site....

I fought long and hard to keep this place in shape, and fended off many foolish, spamming, offensive members in my time, now I'm back, I'd like people to be aware that nothing has changed in respect to the way I've always done things.

This IS a laid back forum, but those that step out of line, will be dealt with accordingly, as they should have always been.

666, Human, 12 years ago

Does anybody have any more ideas?

Deathdrop, Human, 12 years ago

"the rules went to hell once I left the site"

Which rules might those be?

daveberg, Human, 12 years ago

^ That's what i'd like to know.

Fas as I was concerned, the few times I did drop by over my extended absence, I never saw the place in ruins due to there being a lack of rules or enforcment of, but it's tough for me to have much input on any of it due to me not being around.

Shadowall seems to insinuate mods performed poorly or not up to par, if members feel this way I welcome them to be vocal, but in a constructive way.

Way I see it, there isn't anyone on the mod team who doesn't deserve their spot, and all do a fantastic job - which leaves me still slightly confused as to why some think this place is managed poorly.....

Shadowwall, Human, 12 years ago

I just have this little personal issue with a certain member ...

I accepted the fact that this forum is laid back but unlike the others I just can't take shit from this certain member.

You can say i do blame the mods for not interfering when things started ...

I come on this forum someone calls me a moron and i'm supposed to sing kumbaya with him ? If you put it like that ... yes i have a problem with the rules and how they are dealt with.

Peterson, Human, 12 years ago

Two things are aboout to happen. First this topic is being locked because now it has turned into a useless thread of spamm. Second, Shadowwall your disrespect towards moderators and the rule system is out of line, in 90% of your posts it consists with ether downtalking the mods or bashing the rules and I am sick of hearing about it. If you had a problem with a member then you should have requested moderator assistance, dragging the past here to the present is childish and immature, I am issuing you your first warning. If your behavoir does not improve you will be punished. That's the rules if you don't like them than you can leave.

Topic locked.