Blizzard, Human, 11 years ago

LOl sometimes I have a dream that I am like ripley in ressurection (as a hybrid not a women ) But I work in the hive now so far this sounds preety cool ...saddly my dream makes me do the boring stuff like carry eggs to the host and disposed of the dead bodies

PREDATORv2, Human, 11 years ago

That is the best dream I've ever heard of P. Put that into a script and run it by Fox. Sincerely speaking.

tawganator, Human, 11 years ago

I had a dream that I was in an alien hive (much like the one in Aliens: Labyrinth) and I think I was helping them but I can't remember if I was also an alien or not.

Another was me being all epic and killing a shit ton of Predators with my wicked moves. Unfortunately I woke up.

DarkLioness, Human, 11 years ago

I've had at least six dreams related to Aliens and Predators. The first time I saw Alien was in 98' so I was about 3 years old and I remember I kept asking my mom "Where's the Alien! I wanna see the Alien!"

I saw the Alien(not the chestburster scene though I was occupied at the moment) and this was my literal reaction:

Me: That's the Alien?

Mom: Yes that was it. Wasn't in scary?

Me:*in a very serious tone for a 3 year old*No.

As for the dreams I had one where I was in a dance competition with a Predator and an Alien. It was very weird. Very very weird.

alienxeno, Human, 11 years ago

so.....i had a dream once.....but it was very was actualy yesterday.sorry this is not avp but i have played nazi zombies for hours just to know richtofens grand scheme in moon.the zombies eyes turned blue and that scared me for 3 more.when i fell asleep i dreamed of having to run from nazi zombies for 15 sec and then get a gun.i was with a squad.sadly not the original.

Trophy-Hunter, Human, 11 years ago

I used to have nasty dreams when I was in my younger days. Espacially after watching alien movies. Chesbursters growing within me yucks! Lol

Blizzard, Human, 11 years ago

Yesterday I had the most fucking weirdest dream ever
first of all before going to bed I had just finished reading Litany of fire
And as soon as I went to sleep I found myself in a hive and started exploring it until I came into a small room as soon as I tried to walk away there was no exit and I just sat there for a minutes until out of nowhere Bloo (from littany of fire not the actual person ) was just on the other side of the room just watching me for a few seconds . now the rest I can really remember all I know is Bloo just started complaining to me how she was going to beat the hive and fuck everyone ( which was quite entertaining .... I think we had a game of chess at one point .... did I mention this dream was messed up ) And thats all i remember

Now that I wasted your time
good day

BloodHarpy, Human, 11 years ago

I had a nightmare about a year ago that I was running through a hive trying to outrun a Predalien and a Praetorian when I got tripped by the Predalien I ended up stuck to the floor. I woke up just as the Preatorian stabbed me in the chest with it's tail. Scary. Weird thing is I don't know if I die in my dreams because I wake up with when the gun goes off of the dog leapes for my throat or whatever.

Blizzard, Human, 11 years ago

Yesterday I had the most fucking weirdest dream ever
first of all before going to bed I had just finished reading Litany of fire (which sort of explained why I dreamt such a strange thing )
And as soon as I went to sleep I found myself in a hive and started exploring it until I came into a small room as soon as I tried to walk away there was no exit and I just sat there for a minutes until out of nowhere Bloo (from littany of fire not the actual person ) was just on the other side of the room just watching me for a few seconds . now the rest I can really remember all I know is Bloo just started complaining to me how she was going to beat the hive and fuck everyone ( which was quite entertaining .... I think we had a game of chess at one point .... did I mention this dream was messed up ) And thats all i remember

Now that I wasted your time
good day

Hanei, Human, 11 years ago

I once had a dream that some of my brothers and sisters had managed to create a Xenomorph Queen in the house across the street, it felt so real that I was flipping out. Then for some reason a xenomorph was in my grandmother's old house and we had to kill it with a sledgehammer. It was pretty weird.