Deathdrop, Yautja, 13 years ago

^ The art that was to be used for the Alien was originally intended to have eyes. This isn't really related to anything canon, but I thought it was interesting.

DeathWraith, Yautja, 13 years ago

As you can see, it was also supposed to have a huge dick that ends with a skeleton. Anyway, we don't consider the expanded universe, such as comics and books as canon, as far as i know. Only what you can figure out from the movies, everything else is speculation.

Deathdrop, Yautja, 13 years ago

^ You can't deny that would have made the movie a bit more... Let's say "colorful."

LadyDeathStriker, Yautja, 13 years ago

As Gaunt stated I agree. Xenomorphs would still own the Graboids no matter what stage.

@Deathdrop and DeathWraith

Interesting picture but I don't think that was a penis. Why do you guys think it was in the first place?

DeathWraith, Yautja, 13 years ago

Because it's drawn by Giger.

Gaunt, Yautja, 13 years ago

It could of been a earlier (and a lot less lethal version) of the Xenomorphs tail, but as its grown from the front of the Xeno's body it looks like a penis.

Deathdrop, Yautja, 13 years ago

^ I don't know, a giant skeleton-shooting deathdick sounds pretty lethal to me. Someone needs to make that movie.

predatorgirl, Yautja, 13 years ago

that would be hilarius!

concretehunter, Yautja, 13 years ago

Cool, thanks guy's!

Karo, Yautja, 13 years ago

Eye sockets without function would not exist from an evolutionary stand point, but as we may find out in "Prometheus" they might be designed right down to the decals by the Jockey race. By the sound of it, even though the "Prometheus" isn't supposed to be too directly linked to alien, they built the Jockey, and Giger supervised.

The warrior design is pretty inconsistent, with no in film explanation. It's interesting how little Jeunet seemed to care about the warrior alien design, and I base that on the Blu-Ray special features. It has the extra leg joint like the dog alien but also the tubes on the back are there again. AVP basically has the same design but they are blue-black instead of brown-black.

predatorgirl, Yautja, 13 years ago

they should have diffrent strains of aliens in upcoming from a bird or komodo dragon or something.

predatorgirl, Yautja, 13 years ago

they should have diffrent strains of aliens in upcoming from a bird or komodo dragon or something.

DeathWraith, Yautja, 13 years ago


Mebber, Yautja, 13 years ago

Actually, a Dodo-alien would be awesome.

-Bloo-, Yautja, 13 years ago

@DW: I lol'd

Anyway, I forgot what I was gonna say 'cause of the whole bird thing, so yeah, someone draw that or something.