PREDATORv2, Yautja, 13 years ago

Good point, my thought and what I've read on a few different sites is the main reason they are different from normal predators (and why they hunt normal preds) is the use of chemicals and technology to enhance their bodies.

They are seen unfit by the rest of the preds, so they hunt their own species as well as anything else they find worthy. Their sense of honor, in the fact that they wouldn't kill an unarmed or incapable prey is skewed. To where as long as they kill you, its a good kill.

ryanwethy, Yautja, 13 years ago

So basicly they are bad bloods who decided to enhance themselves.

Deathdrop, Yautja, 13 years ago

^ Depends on which Preds you ask, I'd imagine. If it's some sort of race war as described in the movie, then this might be two different societies at war with one another (as opposed to two clans in the same society).

If that's the case, each side considers the other to be bad bloods.

If you ask a SP about a BSP, it'd say "Oversized savages with no honor."

If you ask a BSP about a SP, it'd say "Weaklings with no stomach for a TRUE hunt."

I really like this, because it avoids the usual monoculture cliché that's so prevalent in stuff like Star Trek (that's not a bash on ST; I'm just saying...)

I dislike the idea that the BSP's were "enhanced" in some way as an explanation for their appearence. The assumption is that there needs to be a reason for them to look different, when in reality the "classic" look is just one of several.

PREDATORv2, Yautja, 13 years ago


Like any other advanced species, not everyone gets along. I like the sound of clan wars.

Deathdrop, Yautja, 13 years ago

^ Can you imagine some of the storylines they could spin out of clan wars?

Two clans that began to feud centuries ago end up getting human mixed up in their war. There could be crazy stories set all over the world and in several different eras.

But getting back to the topic at hand, the notion of different clans/tribes/groups with unique cultures explains why the Preds look so different in each movie. Hell, you can even see it in their weapons and equipment.

This movie has me in full-on nerd mode, and I love it.

DeathWraith, Yautja, 13 years ago

But the fact that this is obviously a well coordinated sport would make me think that it works due to an agreement. So since i'm on an AvP site i'm gonna think like this: Predators innitiate themselves by hunting unarmed creatures like xenomorphs. When they have proven themselves worthy, they earn the right to hunt creatures that use firearms, like humans. Then on the next step would be the ones that have proven worthy of hunting the ultimate prey, which is other predators.

Either that, or maybe the bigger predators are considered demigods among the Yautja. I mean we have legends about demigods from thousands of years ago... Only for all we know predators actually live for thousands of years.

Mebber, Yautja, 13 years ago

These BSPs behaved really different compared to "normal" preds, as you said DD they're not so focused on things like "dont-kill-unarmed-prey". But the highlight of this behaviour was when this BSP shot the maniac prisoner, who was currently unarmed, with the plasma caster... in the BACK. They used the plasma caster quite often, even on close range...

The killing of prey seems to be more important than the hunt itself for these predators, they're like real ugly bloodthirsty scumbags... but the idea is nice. Yautja killing themselves because of ideology differences about "the right way to hunt someone down"? I like the concept... even if it isn't confirmed yet. Pretty good stuff for a sequel, nice surprise after the avp movies...

Anyway, i vote for the classic Predators. Hoped the classic in the movie would kick the BSP's ass, sad thing it didn't happened...

Deathdrop, Yautja, 13 years ago

^ To be fair, Classic was pretty roughed up. He'd been tied to a post for who knows how long, and I'll bet the BSP's weren't gentle getting him up there.

It makes sense that he would lose that fight, especially against a larger opponent. He probably knew he was going to die, but went through with it anyway to save face for being defeated.

Things might have been different in a fair fight, especially since, as you pointed out, the BSP's tend to over-rely on ranged weapons.

Mebber, Yautja, 13 years ago

"He probably knew he was going to die, but went through with it anyway to save face for being defeated."

My presumption is a BSP would have behaved alike, but only to inflict as much pain as possible to his enemy before going down, not to save his face. Good example why classics are my favorites.

You're right, the classic was very exhausted. Would like to see a BSP and a Classic in a "fair" fight...

First i was sceptical, but looks like Rodriguez did a fine job creating these new Predators, i'm curious about a possible sequel.

DarkSerpentine, Yautja, 13 years ago

If they do a sequel Rodriguez better direct it because if someone else gets hold of it we'll have another AVPR on our hands!

Deathdrop, Yautja, 13 years ago

Rodriguez didn't actually direct this one.

Lone_Hunter2, Yautja, 13 years ago

regular is better than the POWERTHIRST Preds which for som reason look similar to elites in halo

Deathdrop, Yautja, 13 years ago

I figured I would bump this up since we 've barely scratched the surface of this topic.