DeathWraith, Xenomorph, 14 years ago

Well that kinda ruined the whole fun here.

Completely unrelated, predess, learn grammar.

mr_loco, Xenomorph, 14 years ago

What ever Death Wraith, I just think u like to complain about shit, cuz that's what u always do. Just like when I said I like the AVP movies, u had to try to say some shit like I'm fucked up cuz I like 'em... Shit that's my opinion dogg, what I like, u may not, and what other people in this forum might like to discuss, u may not like, and so on...

And this is not 100% off topic because Dark Horse Comics already made a comic book about Aliens VS Predator VS Terminator, and even if that book didn't exists, the topic still involves Aliens, so honestly there ain't nothin off topic bout this...

predatoress, Xenomorph, 14 years ago

Hell no, otherwise you would lose the purpose of your life lol

DeathWraith, Xenomorph, 14 years ago

Yeah, i guess... That's why i love you so much, you make my life worth living.

predatoress, Xenomorph, 14 years ago

Of course, baby <3<3<3 Anything for you=^_^=

I need a bucket now... lol

But please, get back on topic if there ever was one? << Not sure anymore.

EDIT: Xeno - that is actually amusing 'cos then you know the opponent have already lost when starting the pussification.

DeathWraith, Xenomorph, 14 years ago

Goddamnit Xeno, why do you always troll against me...

Remember though that we are still waiting for a reply from Mebber where he will be schooling me on absolutely everything that has ever been invented.

And possibly some very bad consequences for myself for calling him a faggot. Am i hopeless because i still expect DD or Pv2 to actually take action against breaking the rules?

predatoress, Xenomorph, 14 years ago

Because you troll whole threads? lol

And why I have a feeling this thread have become our little sandbox... Again-.- Xeno, Wraith - get back to the corner!

MrXeno, Xenomorph, 14 years ago

Well, calling people for "faggot" or "gay" is a favorite term for many Americans, like visiting McDonald's. So i doubt you'll be in trouble, DW.

predatoress, Xenomorph, 14 years ago

Is it only me, who sees us all, including you Wraith, breaking the rules worse than the actual beginner of this topic? At least he was being nice and made a topic of a subject what interests him, didn't flame anyone, nor did catch up trolling the troll? <

TribalWerewolf9, Xenomorph, 14 years ago

i agree

Mebber, Xenomorph, 14 years ago

DeathWraith said:
"Remember though that we are still waiting for a reply from Mebber where he will be schooling me on absolutely everything that has ever been invented."

1. lesson
Archimedes invented the lasergun a few hundred years b.c.

Next lesson's topic: Homosexual Pancakes.

School is out for now pupils, have a nice day.

Edit1: OK, now this one was off-topic like hell ;-)

Shadowwall, Xenomorph, 14 years ago

wow i never saw so many replies since the last time i posted. Must be a popular topic :D

k sneaking away cause i see some mad eyes watching me...

bye :D

DeathWraith, Xenomorph, 14 years ago

Well, i'm glad that's been resolved.

And as of this thread, i should probably stop using this video as a reference to correct diplomatic relations.

footbal39, Xenomorph, 14 years ago

terminator would win as he is solid steal, weres alien isn't!