Kensai14, Yautja, 15 years ago

it would be cool to see stormtroopers going into an imperial base or something infested by aliens while predators are hunting.

TribalWerewolf9, Yautja, 15 years ago

gremlins vs aliens. i like gremlins :)

Deathdrop, Yautja, 15 years ago

There's one vampire that puts the chiropterans to shame. Seriously, this is about the nastiest bloodsucker ever recorded:

TITANOSAUR, Yautja, 15 years ago

Idk guys, an Alien Anime film might be what the series needs. I mean c'mon! like Bloo said, not all Anime is giggling school girls and wierd guy's who constantly has they're eyes cloths wondering how the hell do they see? I means honestly... how the fuck can he see anything? ofcourse I mean Brock from Pokemon. I watch it cuz I gets bored! but still, not all Anime is bad, infact, theres alot of R rated anime films. and alot of them are horror films. I ain't saying you have to like it. but just keep in mind, not all anime is like Pokemon, or any other show I currently can't think of cuz I don't watch alot of Anime.

-Bloo-, Yautja, 15 years ago

I mean, really. I didn't mean to derail the topic here so much, but no one complained when Alien and Predator were turned into comics. My god, the kind of comic where Sonic had his first chili dog? Yes, that one. Same medium, yet no one cared. Anime? The same one where Ash first got Pikachu? Yes, that's the one. But wait, isn't that the same medium where this happens? (Sorry, unless you want some shit AMV, the trailer's all you're going to get. If anyone sees any non-AMV videos of the chiropterans in action, well, just let me know...)

Mind you, there are many serious animes without that typical 'over-exaggerated expressions' bullshit you see in a lot of them that turn out to be very good. I think I've already said this once, but the only anime in which I can tolerate that stuff is Fullmetal Alchemist, because it's not too over-the-top and actually uses something like that to its advantage instead of having it in there just for the sake of a cute scene.

But since anime is so obviously hated (and to try and keep this on-topic), I'd also like to see a Licker fight a Predator.

TITANOSAUR, Yautja, 15 years ago

actualy, you know, I'd love to see and Alien/Predator Anime film. I like the Artistic look of anime. because it gives you a realistic look. infact, if I ever make a movie myself, I will make it into an Animated film.

Avatar the Last Airbender was an American cartoon series that was based on the artistic look of an Anime show.

also, look at the Gundam series. it is verry popular and the show has great animation.

honestly, I think A:Resurrection and the AvP films gave everybody the idea that change is bad. its only bad if its not done in the style of the original.

so I say an Anime Alien or Predator film is a great idea. considered it is done properly.

I know, how bout, Predator vs Rambo

Deathdrop, Yautja, 15 years ago

This isn't terribly original, but Predator going against Terminator seems like it would make sense.

Both have vision modes, both have skull imagery, both don't reveal their true forms till later in the movie, and T-800's are supposed to be plasma-resistant.

donut, Yautja, 15 years ago

Predator vs Ripley?


TribalWerewolf9, Yautja, 15 years ago

terminator vs alien vs predator had that but it was more like ripley AND predators

predatoress, Yautja, 15 years ago

No, no Bloo, not anime again...

Hmmh I would say AvP vs. Underworld. That wouldn't make much sense tho...

And the Doctor, I KNEW you were gonna say the Punisher in here lol I must be a foreteller.

MrXeno, Yautja, 15 years ago

In my opinnion, I'd like to see AvP mixed with the once popular serie called Friends. << lol

Or perhaps in South Park style if it has to be cartoonish. At least it wouldn't be like "OMGSUPERPLASMACASTERONTHATMADDERFAKKERXENOMORPHLOLOLOL"
with ridicules flashing background that has epilepsy colors, like i've said before. But more like "Oh my god, you killed Preddy! You bastard!" with a lot of pointless violent gore ^^ lol.
Thats my opinnion <<

donut, Yautja, 15 years ago

They did have alien and predator in some southpark episode I believe.

-Bloo-, Yautja, 15 years ago

@Mr. Xeno & Predess: (Sorry for bringing this back up, but...)No. I know what you're thinking. OMG FLASHY BACKGROUND ALIEN I CHOOSE YOOOOOOUUU!!!!

No, no. No, no, no, no, no. For Christ's sake. Hell. No.

You guys have this image of the word anime: flashing background battles with colorful giggly girls, high-pitched, annoying voices - that shit ends where what I'm talking about begins.

You and I have a different vision of what anime does and should look like, and that's probably why we aren't seeing eye-to-eye.

I'm not saying an Alien anime would be anything the franchise needed. But it's not even about that anymore. Anime simply means Japanimation. Made in Japan. Animated. Anime does NOT mean little girls running around doing ridiculous things with cat ears and whores bouncing around in revealing outfits. A lot of it is that. One thing doesn't represent a whole genre.

Get that out of your mind. Seriously. Now I'm pretty sure you need to watch one Japan-animated scene (From here on out in this post, I am not, for the love of something holy, not calling it anime anymore). Go watch Batman: Gotham Knight, that one DVD that was released at around the time the Dark Knight hit theatres. Some of them were Japanimation. You can tell from the character designs, but other than that, there ain't much flashy, colorful background fighting and cutesy kittens bobbing the heads up and down.

I choose Batman because everyone's interested in that. Apparently no one tried watching that Blood: the Last Vampire video, which was made by the same people who did some of the sequences in Gotham Knight and has the same basic style.

I'm not convincing anyone this would be a great addition to Aliens/Predator franchise or that you should watch anime and tolerate it. Believe me when I say this, I used to hate Japan animation more than all of you combined - that is, until I recently decied to check out some of the more serious and/or less-ridiculous ones.

You wouldn't be complaining if there was an animated Alien or Predator feature and it WASN'T Japanimation, yet turned out exactly as it would if it were that.

Jesus, someone pointed out South Park style and I'm pretty sure everyone agrees that something like that would be worth watching.

I'm not sure if I want to elaborate any further because obviously you guys are convinced nothing good would come from this. I can't convince you otherwise. I'm just saying, what's with the hate? I'm pretty sure everyone here has seen a page of an Alien/Predator comic. Think of that, but animated. Don't think little high-pitched-voiced little shits running around doing, uh, whatever the hell they do.

TITANOSAUR, Yautja, 15 years ago

@ -Bloo-: I Agree. for some odd reason, when I say Anime, people think of cat-eared girls giggling, and wierd cat people with high pitched voices. or they think of Pokemon. wich to me is a horrible show. I sorry for thoughs who like the show. but its just not my tea.

btw, Bloo, I seen the Batman feature your talking about. gah! that was a great film. that is exactly the kind of animation that can bring the Alien and Predator to life. infact. I think Fox should make animated Alien or Predator movies. hell, I have to agree with the South Park thing Bloo mentioned. and to me, South Park. is Animation. realy Animation realy means is its basicly moving drawings.

also try to think TRANSFORMERS Armada, or Cybertron. but c'mon. as I said. everybody thinks an Animated Alien/Predator film is bad idea. ever heard the term "don't knock it till you try it". I ain't gonna say your all wrong, but I will say theres no sence in condeming an idea of an Animated Alien/Predator movie all cuz you don't have the proper idea of what that Anime is.

slikserpent56, Yautja, 15 years ago

aliens vs elites from halo without weapons

predators vs brutes without weapons from halo?????

predatoress, Yautja, 15 years ago

Bloo, you know you're damn cute when you take this stuff so seriously lol Does Final fantasy movie or that Full metal alchemist count as anime? Hmmh I watched 10 mins of the former movie and one chapter of the second one, and I still say no to anime. But I guess I'm allergic to Japanification in any form.

Ps. I don't have even single page of predator cartoons and in fact I think that's a horrible thought as well. They should've been left as a great flicks in my mind, all this stuff built around them is pretty much of a joke nowadays...

And pps. it's sad that you people can't see my face when I'm writing this stuff, 'cos you would see I have some humor slipped in them as well. Don't know if "the glimpse in the corner of your eyes" says anything to you guys, but that's how I am. Meaning I don't necessary think of how I write (or that I'd be that extreme) but I just love to shake things. Seemingly very seldom people understands that lol I wonder if that's some scandinavian feature 'cos I can see through the other scandi in here lol

Deathdrop, Yautja, 15 years ago

If it were by the same people that did Batman:GK, I would probably check it out. I don't mind animie when it looks like that.

But if they went with the "other" kind of animie, I'd still watch it.

Who here can honestly say they wouldn't watch a poorly-dubbed kiddie AvP animie where the Alien and Predator "power up" by screaming for ten minutes and then argue about their respective philosophical beliefs as they battle?

-Bloo-, Yautja, 15 years ago

Oh, you know I like being cute... that's just how I am. I'm one of those cute kittens held by those big-eyed anime girls in their school rooms and annoying voices...

But really, the reason I take this seriously is because no one else will (except maybe Titan). It's like you're not even giving it any chance whatsoever - you're just thinking, "Pfft. This is weird. Pass..." and you're done.

Again I'm not saying a Japanificated Alien/Predator feature would be great for the series, it's just, an anime wouldn't be that bad. Maybe you don't think an animated Predator killing someone would do the franchise much justice, let alone the movie it's in. Maybe you don't like animated features at all, and I respect that opinion. That doesn't mean the things are bad.

And I also think I said this before, it's not the drawing design that I'm talking about when I say, "It should be done like Fullmetal Alchemist," it's the way the story is played out, just in general the quality of it is actually really good (it's the anime that got me to start NOT hating anime in the first place is my favorite one). FMA is really dated by now in terms of animation quality but it's still one of the best animes out there, hands down.

Fullmetal Alchemist wasn't done by the people who did Batman:GK, it was done by a similar company who usually does do those kind of cutesy chibi scenes, but knows its limit with them, unlike most others.

I'm just saying, it has a chance to work out. I use Blood: the Last Vampire as an example because an animated Alien movie could work out the same way. The dark colors, fluid animation and horror-like atmosphere of it all, I wouldn't mind it. It'd work out pretty well in my opinion.

Of course, they probably would never make a movie like that because most fans of the franchises would probably have the same opinions displayed here in this topic and that one other old 'AVP anime' topic from a while back, which means no one would watch it.

I never meant to restart this debate in the first place, I just said the word 'anime' to differentiate the BtLV I was talking about from the live-action adaption of the original coming out soon, which almost looks disappointing. Almost.

And, naturally, when I saw, "Aliens + anime = DEATH OF FRANCHISE!" I went on the defensive. You have reason to hate anime. I know I did. I just never knew they could be capable of anything other than what Pokemon or Shuffle achieved. When I saw BtLV for the first time it just blew me away. I mean, I didn't think an anime could capture that horror feeling without messing something up.

Sure it was short, but I loved it.

I can't try and tell you an anime is capable of being serious because you're convinced it's all Dragonball + Pokemon + schoolgirls + super happy fun time and kittens.

I can understand why (now that I look back on why I hated it), I mean, that's what I thought, until watching Fullmetal and Blood. There are plenty other high-quality anime features out there too, but those two caught my attention when I Googled them a few times.

But anyway, I think the best thing to do right now is to get back to the main topic, which was crossovers.

MrXeno, Yautja, 15 years ago

*Background flashes as Mr. Xeno flies through the air with Polish polka playing, that replaces the J-Rock* Don't take this so seriously, man! It makes me frightened. And brings bad chemicals into the atmosphere, that disturb the spirits of... Someone or something... lol Just joking.

Now, I've tried to watch anime, manga, and hentai. But it just didn't give me the love for it. It rather made me laugh. Now, Im sure there a lot of good stuff of those genres, and i totally respect that people love watching this. But for me, i really dislike it. Since something i've noticed is that most of it contain a lot of Japanese propaganda, and thats probably because its from Japan (duuuhhh), and they want to show: "Hey, look at us. We drink sake, and eat noodles. And got small mouth and gigantic eyes probably because of the ass hungry pedo tentacles behind us, which gets tempted by the 12 year old girls who wear mini skirt, and is already in puberty when having gigantic breasts. While the grown males who are 16 drives around in large robots, who become super heros. And whenever we fight our parents, partner, evil bastards, the background become a full colorfull rave party which gives you epileptic attack when your guts gets ripped apart!!! NYA!!!! ^___^"

Such things doesn't amaze me. Or interest me. And somehow most of the anime shows contain the same stuff, such as behavior, robotic stuff (always), gigantic guys with muscles, or ninjas, annoying squealing girls, and of course the teenage boys who are the heros. And when i mean behavior, there is always this calm, emo attitude while they drink sake. They always drink sake. And when they drink sake, they look at people with a quiet face (since the drawer didn't bother to make other facial expressions) and say something like this. "My parents died in horrible depressed gory JAAAAAAPAAAAANEEEEESSEEE GAMESHOW!!"

For some reasons the plot makers had to kill the family of every main character, either to make the viewers feel their pain, or because the writers are sadistic people who never had parents.
And those who draw usually use the same movements and facial expressions on every characters in the films, such as ^_^ O_O >_< O_o' and the typical Keanu Reeves gasp "Wow, matrix".

Sometimes theyve used same faces, only that theyve been upgraded with beards, new haircuts, etc, etc.

I tried watching Cowboy Bebop, Fullmetal Alchemist, Naruto, Hellsing, etc, etc. But i saw no difference.
And i really wonder why it is so popular, almost like a religion. But i guess the only positive i can see in anime, manga and hentai, is that IT SELLS A LOT!!!$$$ No matter how monotonous it is.

So i guess if AvP ends up like this:


It might go to hell for once, or become something wonderfull.


There, now I'm done with my novel. I hope i didn't offend anyone, but if so. Please send a complain to my mail address which you can get by those who got it.

And yes, i photoshopped those pictures. So I apologize if i offended real photoshoppers, but i only used about 10 minutes on them, since i wanted to finish them quickly when i was supposed to be sleeping.

Back to topic!

-Bloo-, Yautja, 15 years ago

Fullmetal Alchemist, like I said, does seem to do that, but it seems to keep itself within some sort of limit. I'm not forcing you to, but watching the entire series would likely change your opinion of the show - believe me when I say it, FMA isn't like other typical anime shows. The same goes for Cowboy Bebop and Hellsing. I noticed a lot of that stuff, but the pros just outweigh the cons by a lot.

And what you said about the flashy backgrounds and ridiculous facial expressions, that is not what I'm talking about. What I'm talking about is something like Ghost in the Shell, Blood: the Last Vampire, or a short out of Batman: Gotham Knight. All anime (somewhat), none of them showing that typical cute shit anime's usually known for.

It's mostly serious stuff - regular expressions, no dramatic posing or flashy backgrounds, the action has great flow and actually takes place in the same background as the rest of the scene... you'd be surprised at how much they differ from your regular school-girl/Pokemon/fighting show anime.

Sure, Fullmetal MIGHT break some of these "good anime" rules, but overall, it really is as good as I'm saying it is.