PREDATORv2, Xenomorph, 15 years ago

"Ridley is an great director to me but i dont see anything special in his work."

WHAT?! Ridley and Cameron I might add, bring a level of detail and reality to every film they produce. You don't see that in most films today that is why most of their movies are still so popular. They each start with a vision of what they want their films to be and no one is going to screw that vision up.

Most directors today get the screenplay and just follow that right along its just another movie they don't put their soul into it, that is the key difference.

"I choose you pikachu!"

-Bloo-, Xenomorph, 15 years ago

That's one reason I really enjoyed the film Schindler's List. Althought it isn't by either of Scott nor Cameron, it's a great example of a director truly putting his soul into his work.

the_doctor, Xenomorph, 15 years ago

see i only see scotts vision in a film come out in a few occaisions...things like kingdom of heaven, body of lies, a good year and even gladiator dont feel like they have much more depth than some other films out there today. but things like alien and blade runner are a different story, in both of those i see the detail scott has put into the film.
To me Scott is a mixed bag, there are alot of films of his that i think are very overrated. but ive said this before though. im not saying he's a bad director, far from it but in preference i rate Fincher over both Cameron and Scott.

so uwe boll is a coward and a bad director...damn him

PREDATORv2, Xenomorph, 15 years ago

I say we start a petition to get doc outta' here no one can under rate the holy Scott!

Honestly I've always liked John Mcternan's work more. As you've said doc, it all boils down to who we personally think is better.

the_doctor, Xenomorph, 15 years ago

always expect you to back me up Pred lol just get the mob ready to chase me out of town why dont ya? lol hey at least im not giving the french man any credit

PREDATORv2, Xenomorph, 15 years ago

Lol sorry doc, anything else I'm your right hand man. Please don't bring the french man up again, after listening to the commentary for Alien Rez I had nightmares for a week.

Venom, Xenomorph, 15 years ago

Quite frankly AVPR was the biggest slice of shit Ive ever wasted my money on at the cinemas. Sorry for the language but seriously nothing else can express my hatred towards that film. The first AVP film in my opinion as a stand alone flick was a good action filled popcorn movie, nothing to be taken completely serious about. I was around about 12 when it first came out ( my interest in the franchises started a year prior to its release) and i thought it was the best film Ive ever seen. I look at it now and as i said, just a popcorn flick that really needed no criticism. It had a decent enough quality with it and i was happy.

Then when i saw AVPR i was ecstatic and i was pumped to see the sequel to one of my 'childhood favorites' half an hour into the film and the thought ran through my head ' this film is fucking ridiculous, i cant actually believe that me and my dad payed to watch this (he too likes the franchises so he decided to tag along), there's better quality story lines on Youtube, This is horrible'.

As i left while the credits were rolling anger actually swelled up inside off me. Yeah anger. I would have enjoyed watching paint dry more than the abomination the BS produced. Also WHAT THE HELL, i made a topic like this after the film was released, partially a bit more frustrated than this topic but a anti-avpr one none the less. I got flamed for it, now everyone's come to realize what a horrible film it is...

ah well, that's my two cents.

the_doctor, Xenomorph, 15 years ago

"the biggest slice of shit Ive ever wasted my money on at the cinemas"

obviously you never saw "Gligi" at the cinema then..:P

so what AvP-R wasnt a popcorn film aswell?

MaxFate, Xenomorph, 15 years ago

I just saw it and the whole time I waited for the national guard and the prealien and the predator to fight when it can to the national guard. Thinking hell ya big battle time all I got was men being picked off one by one not even able to see the guard shot the aliens I said this suckes. When the showdown came I thought this was it to get a bomb to hit and kill them both and what realy tick me off was all the people saying "Wow that was awsome" I mean realy the movie failed me and that is hard to do. I watch the movie for the national guard battle and the showdown to get this. Oh and the predator takeing off his mask that starting to tick me off with the mask on all predator movies it does that WHY! By the way I heared of a 3 coming out so time I hope I'm wrong

the_doctor, Xenomorph, 15 years ago

how can it tick you off that the pred takes off his mask. you dont want to see its mask come off??

DeathWraith, Xenomorph, 15 years ago

A huge battle between people with guns and weaponless, almost impossible to notice monsters is what you expected? I suggest you revise your idea of what a meeting between a human and an Alien should look like.

TITANOSAUR, Xenomorph, 15 years ago

AvPR was terrible. simple as that.

I could have made a better movie. and I know nuthin about makin movies.

my reason's...

reason 1. most obviously. its too damn dark. bad lighting desitions.

Reason 2. the Aliens wheren't givin enough respect. infact. no respect. the Alien was nuthing but cannon fodder for the Predator. I think a single Alien would have givin the Predator a long struggle. but did we get that? no. we got cannon fodder. the Aliens getting killed by the humans where expected. but its rediculess that they got killed by the Predator like they where wimps. I'm sure the Predator fans would agree as well that even a Predator will have a tough time with a single Alien.

Reason 3. I am a sap for good human charactors. without good human charactors a movie will not survive. infact, to me, the Human charactors are like the life blood in an Animal. but AvP-R was obviously an Animal Dying of blood loss. the Human charactors, well as with everybody else I'm sure, I didn't give a shit about. there dialog was awfull, the acting was cheap. even the hot girls didn't even interest me. (Riply gives me a boner when I watch Alien) basicly, it was like watching a Movie thats about nuthing.

bah, I'm sick of talking about a POS movie. I'm gonna watch a Godzilla movie. atleast thoughs movies are good. even if they are bad they are good. if you plan on watching an AvP movie. watch ALIEN vs PREDATOR. its way better then AvP-R. infact ALIEN vs PREDATOR is a movie you can actualy call an AvP movie.