The-Wolf, Yautja, 16 years ago

All I am saying is that every time isn't going to turn out the same in reality. Movie wise, if they put her against a Predator, of course she'd kill it. But it takes different skills or tactics to fight a Predator than an Alien which she probably won't be use to.

DeathWraith, Yautja, 16 years ago

I wonder if the predators would detect the difference between the last surviving Ripley and a normal human. In any case, if the predators knew how many aliens she killed, she`d either be respected or considered the ultimate pray. It would be interesting to see an AvP that happens after Alien Rez, with Ripley in it. Now Ripley i`d understand saving a pred`s ass, the Lex situation was just stupid.

Saint, Yautja, 16 years ago

Ripley hasen't actually killed alot of aliens if you recall. In Alien, she put it out into space. In Aliens, she only got a few while she was running away with the little girl, if any actually died, though im not convinced she got any kills there either. The queen was taken care of, once again, through an airlock. In Alien 3 it took the team of convicts to get it into a lead plate, and you can't even count that last queen as a kill, all she did was hold it while she fell into molten lead.

Plus the only reason Dutch and Harrigan made it was because in a movie they want tha human to make it in the end. If you put in the real stats predators are supposed to have, they wouldn't be killed one on one in a fight by anyone who doesn't know them.

Blade_Monstrona, Yautja, 16 years ago

Well I hate to say it but even though Ripley was put up a good fight she would not last, for one she is not used to people shooting her as Xenomorphs don't shoot at you with an arsenal with weapons like the Yuatja.

I would also like to say that I being a Pred and Alien fan I would agree that it is time for the Preds time to shine. I would like Wolf to take down the Aliens this time.

shadowatching, Yautja, 16 years ago

Ok, this may be the dumbest question's I may ever ask in this place.

but, how did the 'wolf' get his name?

and how do we know that's his name?

ScarredShadow, Yautja, 16 years ago

I guess maybe in AVP there were three Preds that were working together. But since in AVP Requiem the wolf is the only Pred in it. So maybe they wanted to see what would happen if the aliens and humans messed with this "LONE WOLF," But thats just a guess.