DeathWraith, Yautja, 16 years ago

Actually, it does not look like in AvP. Those ones were black and had smooth heads. These ones, as you can see, aren`t and don`t.

xeno_slayer, Yautja, 16 years ago

i dont see whats so bad about them.
how much can you guys actually get out of a few pictures

xalener, Yautja, 16 years ago

It is a lot closer, but not good. The head's size is perfect to me. It needet to be bigger, but the back tubes are completely void of detail, and the shoulders still look like thick tree roots. Not good. All you who say "I don't see what's wrong" HAVE YOU EVER SEEN GIGER'S ORIGINAL DESIGNS??????????

xalener, Yautja, 16 years ago

It is a lot closer, but not good. The head's size is perfect to me. It needet to be bigger, but the back tubes are completely void of detail, and the shoulders still look like thick tree roots. Not good. All you who say "I don't see what's wrong" HAVE YOU EVER SEEN GIGER'S ORIGINAL DESIGNS??????????

Davian, Yautja, 16 years ago

I meant that it looks ALMOST exactly like aliens in AVP not fully though. (Mainly because its cowl is removed)

City-Hunter, Yautja, 16 years ago

Whats the big deal. Like BW said, its a few picture. Not only that, but of action figures, right? We know what they promised us.. You know, the original designs. From what I've seen so far its looking pretty good.

xeno_slayer, Yautja, 16 years ago

hear hear

OTANG, Yautja, 16 years ago

I'm sure the subtleties are too small to notice, but meh not a big deal to me, I'm not that big of a fan of the Aliens franchise.

Inferno, Yautja, 16 years ago

Do not Crucify me for this but... I liked AVP and I think the new designes do look cool. But I must admit the head is a little big. Besides, it's an action figure. It will probably look better in the movie.

black_warrior, Yautja, 16 years ago

Cory, that wasnt me who said that....

Anyway, Death_Wraith, you do know that the WARRIOR alien has a rigid head, the drones have a black smooth head.

I dont see much wrong with the design it looks fine to me, but the fangs are alittle oustanding when i first looked at it.

Skystalker, Yautja, 16 years ago

I didn't think its head was that big, it was more the neck and fangs, first thought I had when looking at it was "My god! A vampire alien!" good to see everyone else noticed the fangs.

City-Hunter, Yautja, 16 years ago

They have the warrior Alien look for the most part, right? If you relize in every Alien movies the Aliens are different in each film. But in AvP they were a bit simualar to the Alien Ressurection Aliens. The point of me saying this is the pattern comtinues. They are not breaking it by having the exact warriors from Aliens in the movie. They are designing their own warriors which I think they look great and I'm satisfied.

predator428, Yautja, 16 years ago

I'm glad they brought back the head ridge. It was one of the better traits of the xenos from Aliens.

City-Hunter, Yautja, 16 years ago

The ridged head is a trait of a warrior Alien to get tecnical. They are not drones.. The Aliens you see in other movies with the ridged head.

Inferno, Yautja, 16 years ago

I am a little confused. How do you get a warrior instead of a drone? I am a predator fan more than an alien one so, I would not know too much about aliens.

City-Hunter, Yautja, 16 years ago

What do you mean? The warrior Aliens are only in Aliens and AvP2. Notice the drones don't have ridges. Just round domes.

Inferno, Yautja, 16 years ago

I know that. I mean what creates the difference in the class? Like, if two face huggers find a human hosts and one becomes a drone while the other is a warrior. What causes that?

Stalker, Yautja, 16 years ago

Warriors are more matured drones, after a certain period of time in their adult form, a drone's outer "skin" hardens to an even tougher resilliancy, & the fleshy domed head compresses against the hard bony ridges underneath. Warriors are even tougher than drones, their hide is so strong it is actually capable of deflecting low-calibre bullets.

City-Hunter, Yautja, 16 years ago

And there you have it.

You know too much, Stalker. lol