FrozenAlien, Undefined, 18 years ago

Even if that Runner was in the game, either the Runner in the Game was based off of the one in the Movie, or vice~versa.



avpunlimited, Undefined, 18 years ago

So, what does that got to do with ANYTHING, I just proved my point the one in the movie was stronger than the one in the game, even stronger than the warior.

in space...
no one...
can hear you scream...


FrozenAlien, Undefined, 18 years ago

That had alot with what you just said..

~Again, that was in the game!~

One was based off the other, so they're the same..



avpunlimited, Undefined, 18 years ago

Some one made a mestake and thought that the runner was twice as small as it should be, it didnt have aficial rights therefor its not cannon, and the movie is the final judge!

in space...
no one...
can hear you scream...


FrozenAlien, Undefined, 18 years ago

Ok..ok.. I'll just leave the discussion to the Mods, the ones who usually know the most about Xenomorph and Yautja.. I'll stay out of it from now on



navyspaz, Undefined, 18 years ago

Even tho its just in the game, their gonna make it totally different then the movie ? the drones are the right size, the queens the right size, the drones and Predaliens are right size, so are Predators, slightly taller then humans, so the runners are different? and besides, Runners are 2 feet taller then the hosts you say? even if it is that way, that means just a little taller then a dog, so its still under waste high. Face it, their small. yet deadly.|

EDIT: oh and btw, you can tell by the look of them Drone and Warrior are stronger then the runner.

.:Navyspaz Forum:.

FrozenAlien, Undefined, 18 years ago

K, lol, I lied. I agree with NavySpaz, no offense AvPUnlimited, but I've seen the Alien movies alot more times than It sounds just now. I watch them whenever I'm bored, or wasn't able to get on here.
Though I haven't seen Alien3 for a while (because it's my least favorite, no offense again), I still
know what NavySpaz just said. It's true that it doesn't matter how many times I've seen it, but I payed attention when trying to look at something in particular



navyspaz, Undefined, 18 years ago

you got MSN ^? mine is [email protected]

.:Navyspaz Forum:.

FrozenAlien, Undefined, 18 years ago

What? Who? If it was me, it's in my profile, like always..
lol sorry for getting off topic



avpunlimited, Undefined, 18 years ago

I cant help but pay attiontion, I look carefully every time I see something.

in space...
no one...
can hear you scream...


navyspaz, Undefined, 18 years ago

hmm I dont want to go off topic, so Im thinkin bout bumpin up my old online avp topic :)
Oh and dont get me wrong, runners are Bad A. dont judge their size.

.:Navyspaz Forum:.

avpunlimited, Undefined, 18 years ago

About the runner in the game!

Its fake dude, only whats in the movies is whats counted as real. we said that many times :)

Runner kills warior, with speed and agility, just like you said a drone could baet the newborn, remember, maybe speed has something to do about it, a dog alien would taer a warroir apart!

Now! I want to join AVP online!

in space...
no one...
can hear you scream...