-Bloo-, Yautja, 9 years ago

Man, Baccano is great.

@DW: Still, I dunno if you should watch all the ones I like. We probably have different taste in shows even though we both like Death Note and Parastye.

@DH: I already have Utena and SEL, I just haven't watched them. Thanks though. Is Garden of Sinners the English name for Kara no Kyoukai? I already have that, too, but I haven't seen any it. And... I don't actually think K On is a good show, I just liked it because it's about music and boobs (which are actually legal this time, thank god. Can you believe those girls are actually 18-19? That's amazing).

Dronehive, Yautja, 9 years ago


Yeah, Garden of Sinners is its English name. Also, that last bit was a joke. I mean, Lucky Star IS fun tho.

Also Higurashi man. Friggin Higurashi is the shit. I suppose if you have all those other shwos you have yet to watch, you should watch them first since you own them, but yeah.

-Bloo-, Yautja, 9 years ago

I hate how really high budget shows like Kara no Kyoukai and Fate/SN '14 have really uninspiring character designs. Like, their aesthetic is really, really good, but their designs (especially the faces) aren't anything special on their own.

But I'm still really excited to watch KNK and F/SN.

I'll check out those other things, too.

DeathWraith, Yautja, 9 years ago

Well I tried to watch Ghost in the Shell long ago, but I can't concentrate with all the boobs.

Dronehive, Yautja, 9 years ago

Interesting fact; KnK and Fs/N take place in the same multiverse. There are some... Similarities I've noticed.

As for char designs, yeah, agreed. Then again, not everyone can look like a special butterfly. Still, they could be more interesting.

DeathWraith, Yautja, 9 years ago

If you think about it, it's not very hard for two things to happen in the same multiverse, since TEHRE IS ONLY ONE MULTIVERSE.

Dronehive, Yautja, 9 years ago

Bitch, you fucking know what I mean.

Maybe a better word is alternate, yet similar T I M L I N E S.

Seriously though, you're just trying too hard.

DeathWraith, Yautja, 9 years ago

I'm not trying at all, you're just not trying enough.

Deathdrop, Yautja, 9 years ago



Dronehive, Yautja, 9 years ago

At least I don't feel the need to nitpick at someone's casual conversation with someone else.

-Bloo-, Yautja, 9 years ago

Hey you two, stop your current conversation and start talking about how much I fucking LOVE these CHICKEN STRIPS.

For real though, I'm looking forward to Kara no Kyoukai, it looks great.

And also for real, these chicken strips are amazing.

DeathWraith, Yautja, 9 years ago

I don't see how that's an "at least" type of situation, please explain it to me like I'm a 4 year old.

This is actually a chain of many different conversations, that each stop after every comment. Here is a song about it.

And yeah, chicken strips are great. No bones, no kirk, just pure delicious dead animal cadaver corpse meat.

Dronehive, Yautja, 9 years ago

@ DW

I just don't feel like there was a need for you to correct something there. Yes, there may have been a better way to explain it, but thats actually how everyone else explains it.

For the sake of argument, I was using a literary definition. For example, many would use multiverse to refer to the many alternate DC universes. I know the theoretical definition.

Dronehive, Yautja, 9 years ago

Oh also Concrete sais hi, his internet is out.

-Bloo-, Yautja, 9 years ago

@DW: It's so great with ranch.

@DH: Wow that sucks. Tell him we say hi and that the RPG's never gonna close, so don't worry about posting.

Deathdrop, Yautja, 9 years ago

"many would use multiverse to refer to the many alternate DC universes"



DeathWraith, Yautja, 9 years ago

It wasn't a correction. The DC Multiverse is the same as our multiverse. You didn't say something different. This post was a correction. That post was a clarification ;)))))

badapple24, Yautja, 9 years ago

@DD: Didn't understand any of that shit... Did anyone else understand that atom looking fucked up map?